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Unban Clusterfuck (Unbanned 16/12/2014)

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Ten minutes ago I received a ban. My friends Cyan Thaiger, Dylan and I had an exremely legal convoy to the coke field. We decided to stop at the gun store to purchase some defenses but Cyan Thaiger had forgotten to lock his car. 

After waiting a bit we suddenly see his truck get driven away, after 2 HEMMTs and a helicopter arrive at the gun shop. Dylan and I try to stop the stolen truck by trying to damage his wheels and interrupt him from driving away. 

Dylan suddenly gets a kick, we were not aware it is against the server rules to block/hit a vehicle with another vehicle. I did not know why he got kicked so I proceed to try to interrupt te stolen truck:

I was moving backwards with 11 km/h towards the stolen truck and: explosion.

This was not intentional and I did not know this could happen. 

I am sorry for breaking any server rules but I find my punishment not suited to the situation. Dylan received a server kick for doing this, but I got a ban because the trucks exploded, which was a fault of the game and not an intention by me. 

We received no warnings of our wrongdoings, and did not realise we were doing anything wrong. I understand we should have read the server rules more (I did read the post, must have skipped it :( ) , but it was not my intention to make all this happen.

I did not try to kill the thief of the vehicle, I merely tried to stop the vehicle. I did not want his, nor my, truck to explode. I just wanted to make sure we didn't lose a 100k rented truck, which I regret because in the end it still exploded and I can't play on your very well organised server anymore.

I am very sorry to have broken the rules and it sucks I can't play on your server now, because I really enjoyed it. Can you please give me a second chance?

Kind regards,


I fully appreciate you posting here, in a sense it gives me remorse, that I had to ban someone who wishes to be a member of this community and I fully support your unban request.

However, I must explain the reason you were banned.

I was flying in the helicopter, we had just out of an engagement with the police, one of my guys was downed so we took the decision to get him some new weapons. While there, one of the members whose vehicles were scrapped decided to steal one of your vehicle. When driving off and attempting to manoeuvre himself away from getting hit by Dylan, I witnessed him cause a collision, I advised at this time I'll see if he does it again, to which he did and made the decision to simply kick him to prevent him causing any damage. 

Moments later, you took similar action and drove your vehicle into another vehicle, due to BI's game mechanics caused both vehicles to blow up and I took the decision to ban on the basis that you used your vehicle as a weapon which ultimately ended in yourself and another person dying, a pretty big server rule was broken.

There are several warnings regarding VDM, including a rather large banner in Kavala advising anyone that VDM and RDM will result in a ban, including the action taken against Dylan, I felt it was only fair.

That being said, it's never an easy decision, especially when it ends up on the forum and said admin realises the person they've banned is actually trying to contribute towards making this a better place for everyone.

Alright, sit tight for a server admin. They'll come along when they're ready and ask you for your GUID and ask you to confirm you've read the server rules and understand that VDM is not permitted.

If it happens again or any break of the rules its a perm ban, We will unban you for your final chance.

Please supply your GUID/Steam ID

I understand, Wilco.

Thank you!

I used steamidfinder for this, but for some reason it seems the GUID I get out of it is different than the ones I've seen on the other threads but:


I tried using the GUID thread on the forums, but I cannot provide an input in the input box, so that doesn't work.

You can obtain your GUID by going to your Arma 3 profile (open up Arma, on the main menu go to options, profile and look for the numerical code under profile ID), then place that ID inside the GUID converter found in the dispute a ban forums.

This will give you an alphanumeric number you should place here.

Thanks once again Kris! :)

Player ID:



ps: messed up again:

Here is GUID:


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Alright, now you'll just need to sit tight. In the mean time I'd suggest getting to know the community, you'll gain a lot of respect if you show you're here to stay.

Unban approved for your final chance.

GUID: 7671e8737f8f6fc02019d184f2f61ecd

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