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Unban me please !

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New member
 I got banned for hacking (Gamehack #38), I admit it and I'm sorry for using the hack. I really like the server and also I want to get more money because I keep getting killed. I have read the rules but sometimes when you think something is not enough that you've had, people like me will break rules... Please give me a chance and I will never open any hacking program, I really love this server and I'm sorry for the mistake I've made which I promise I will never do it again and always follow the server rules. I really want to know what is the final decision of me, I'm not good at speaking English and if you can't undestand I will try my best.
Thanks for reading
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Unfortunately Gamehack 38 is a global ban for every server running battleye reporter.

We can consider making an exception for our server however we would ask you to make a donation of £10 or above as there is work involved.

No reply from user so locking thread.

User remains banned globally so i guess they have given up with arma.

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