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unban me

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Give me a in-depth backstory and we will consider it... 1000 words min.... no promises

i am going to be a mad mad man but he dont jump of stuff he smokes weed every day he is going to setup gang+he is going to be drug cartel ever   

he is a mad poson smoking weed every day but he dont jump of stuff. he is going to start a gang and goin to be the biggest drug cartel on altis 

Well you have already been silly in not providing me with a in-depth backstory to your character which is what we require now due to your tazing everything and everyone when you was a cop to jumping off buildings every spawn when you was a civ.

You simply have no desire to role-play on this serious roleplay server.

I suggest you have a look at the list and join a server that has more relaxed rules about roleplay

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