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Unban request (For having a grenade)

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Well-known member

About 20 minutes or so ago I logged on and spawned in my house. When I opened my storage box, I had lots of random items in it that I'd never seen before. Some of them were a rocket launcher, missiles and some frag grenades. Seeing that the only things I ever put in my storage box are some rebel weapons, I have no idea how they ended up there. At first I thought it was a UI bug, since I couldn't move around any of the stuff. I then tried to drag a grenade into my inventory, and that worked. I immediately put it back into my storage box . At this point I also saw people talking in side-chat about a hacker in Kavala, so I assume that's how these items ended up in my box. I decided to relog, and when I respawned in my house all of the items in my storage box were gone (except from the guns I had bought and put there myself).  

I went to VIP island to get some ammo, and a couple of minutes later I was banned by Wilco for having a grenade. I guess the grenade I briefly equipped showed up in the logs when Wilco was looking for the hacker(s), but I don't see how I did anything wrong at all. I did not use any of the items that appeared in my box. I even asked "Why do I have a rocket launcher in my storage box?" in side-chat when I noticed, which you will see if you check the chat logs.

So, I am therefore asking to have my ban lifted. Been playing on this server for a couple of weeks now, and I don't think being banned for something that was completely out of my control is fair.

Thank you.

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Ive seen before that some people would shoot rockets in athira. so maybe lots of people have this or could be a mistake by hackers.

Got me concerned now, about 2 weeks ago I was policing in Kavala and someone threw a grenade at a friend's car and blew him up. I picked up the last remaining grenade to prevent anyone else getting it. Explained it to an Admin and he said to put it inside a vehicle and then impound that vehicle, which I did so in order to delete the item itself. We returned to Kavala to find a box full of explosives, we shot the box until it exploded to prevent people using it.

Just to add to this .... Ive also had similar experiences with people having rockets e.t.c.

Alright, so it seems like hackers spawning unobtainable weapons is a known issue. I have no idea why they ended up in my own storage box, but as I explained it was out of my control. Still waiting for input from an admin here.

In the meantime, I suggest anyone who come across these items stay as far away from them as possible. 

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So it's been 3 days now, and I'd really like some feedback from an admin . I do realize there's low priority on unban requests, but seeing that I didn't do anything wrong and I'm losing time on my VIP membership, I would appreciate some help here.

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Since Wilco banned you, i will link him this for double check. 

We will reply to you soon.

UnBan request approved, please next time do not take the grenade.

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Try again, just reloaded the banlist.

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