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Unban Request (PT-s Kaan) (Unbanned 13/12/2014)

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Active member
Hello dear Altis Life Community. 

I'd like to open my topic by saying I am so hugely disappointed by the decision that has been made.

Let me introduce myself. I'd been playing on this server for a month now and quite enjoyed the community. I always played in the server by obeying the server rules, but being a human and capable of making mistakes, sometimes I might have violated some of them without knowing. For example, "kidnapping police officer when it was forbidden while there are below 10 cops online."

But even in that situation, we had a little talk to the police officer on teamspeak by his request afterwards of the events and then he said, " it's okay, it was also my first time of being kidnapped, and it was fun though you guys were a little behaving hasty and amateurish :D "  and we deeply apologized him by saying " so sorry, we really didn't know there was such a rule, I wish you had said that as soon as we captured you " and he said " it's fine "   and lesson was learned. 

My point is, after learning from something I do wrong, I don't repeat it. 

And now.

I believe the reason that I got banned was " Ejecting from car while I was restrained."  somehow it's considered as a glitch or bug. 
True, I did so. And when I said it was accident, I really meant it. The guy who reported me even accused me of being a liar without knowing who I am, which is shameful act as it's just a game and saying such offensive things to people shouldn't be that easy, after all. I'm giving it to his immatureness, because as I repeated 10x times maybe, I was always open to resolve things.

And by resolving, what do I mean? How could I resolve? The answer is;  simply by apologizing him if he had explained me the situation as soon as it happened.  He could do it by calling me to ts or texting me in a game. I actually even tried to apologize when it happened for the first time but he wasn't paying attention to my words as he was so hasty.

I was logging out of game when he came to the building, after having our little event done with my gang, (which was executing people at checkpoint),  I was about to go to have my dinner. But then, when I was waiting for countdown of aborting, (which was around 3 seconds) he suddenly came into the building where I was logging out, and as soon as I saw him, I didn't abort the game because I knew the next day I would see some thread like " PT-s Kaan (Combat Log) " and wouldn't be able to explain myself, which is actually quite happening even now..   Then, I still didn't give up roleplaying and shouted at him repeatedly " hey hey, get out of building now " and repeated it few times while pointing the rifle at him. He just stood there, watched me while I was speaking, and without no word, he did his little trick.

Now.  I could have shot him at sight after my first warning, but waited for him to role play with me, because he was a cop after all, and I know cops are really hardcore roleplayers..  But he just walked to me and knocked me out and restrained me while I could kill him when I had 7 long seconds to do that.  

Anyway. Then he put me into black offroad which didn't belong to him, neither to me,   (DC) M1kazz (not sure about his name) was the driver (and perhaps the owner I believe) of that black offroad before we captured and executed him. 

On PCSO Dan's report post, he said I am the owner of truck, and I am lying about it by saying otherwise... If I was the real owner, and if I was actually planning everything, after hopping out of car, I would lock him inside.

About ejecting. I didn't know it was possible to do that while being restrained. I actually did it unconcuiously and thought wouldn't have worked. But when it worked, I got panicked because I didn't mean to do that, and apologized.

And I requested him to add the first part of video, where he violated the rules, but as it's obvious, he didn't do it and wouldn't, of course, as it would show how good roleplayer he was!**

Behaviour of this person (PCSO Dan) was shocking for me because never experienced that with cops before.

And another shocking thing is, being in this situation because of such a small thing.

That's all I can say. 

Good night everyone.

I'll be honest Other than calling him a liar which he kinda forced me into saying so bluntly I'd love to know the offensive things I've said to him And as for immatureness, I don't find it immature reporting someone for exploiting.

For the admin that reads this. Here is the original video..


the reason for me accusing him of lying about ownership of the vehicle is part due to this comment from his clan leader

"And you tried to run away from us with his car which is absolutelly wrong move."

Steph based her decision not only on his glitching out of the truck but also from s prior banable offence he was reported for but never banned he admitted to. Below is his post...

" sometimes people report people over little stupid issues. One time I was just trolling and messing with a german guy on sidechat and just said "heil hitler, ja!" to tease him but next morning, while browsing the forum, saw myself on forum got reported by one guy just because of that :) That's why I said we could've perhaps resolved it between us by talking. Otherwise, you can report or not, either way it's your decision.

But again, don't forget that you just just rdmed me over there while I was trying to roleplay, you should improve your roleplaying as well.

Anyway lads. The thing is, it's sad to see that we (Patriots) are pretty much disliked by cops, I don't even know why :rolleyes: "

The final post I'll show below is steph's post to confirm the ban...

"Approved - Awaiting Action - 03/12/14

Eventho the Ban about the "Heil Hitler" got rejected it tells me alot about the player.

Makes it easier for me to decide if it was a mistake or not."

Hope this helps explain his ban admin.

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If I was a liar, I wouldn't even mention about "heil hitler"  event. I didn't hide it, I was the one who brought it up to the topic. I am an honest man, buddy. My gang leader might have told something wrong without knowing, but it doesn't give you a reason to call people liar bluntly. 

Look, if we met in different situation, you would have another impression about me. So stop trying to give misinformations about me without knowing anything about me. Don't try to make me show as a racist person, which I am not. The guy who screenshoted that picture, I don't know him, and I wasn't talking to him. I was talking to another german friend of mine from sidechat, and we were messing each other and teasing each other through sidechat. I didn't target anyone whom I didn't know, alright?

And honestly I don't even understand how I can get banned over something which was declined by another admin. Your report is about this glitching event, and I should have been judged by it.

EDIT:   That should give an idea about how we usually role play.

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You were banned for the glitching and not what another admin declined.

you would have said you were joking with a friend and not "trolling and messing with a German guy on sidechat" which were your own words. Personally even as a joke I wouldn't say things like that.

If you knew the person and they were a friend of yours you would have said that in your post without a second thought.

There's no question that you glitched out of the truck or not. The question was whether you you did it by accident or it was a deliberate act to slow me down resulting in the truck having its tyres shot out as I collected you thenBeing 1 shot killed as I re entered the truck like I was.


You can throw up all the references in videos and statements to what makes you a swell guy but the fact remains that In this instance an admin chose to believe your actions that were in question in the video and the report were very much an Intentional and deliberate act.

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I also said that " I learn from my mistakes, and never repeat them again "  but I see that I am actually repeating one of them now. Answering you is one of the hugest mistakes I've made so far. I will not bother myself answering you again, so I expect you not to bother me as well.
Good day.

Regardless of whether you learn from your mistakes and never do them again, the fact remains you did it in the first place.

Lol you call me immature and you say that? Lol have it your way.

Hopefully the admin will see the evidence clearly and make the right call in upholding the ban.

Please stop, leave it for the admin..
+1, definitely agree. No idea why but he is still trying to make an effect on their decision and damage my defence although this topic doesn't concern him at all.

I think personally that it being my report that got kaan banned it makes it fine for me to put my view in on this topic, I'm just ensuring the admin know all the facts after reading the essay that kaan has written for the admins attention that discredits me as a player and gives his defence over.

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In this thread you are questioning the decision of an admin to ban who used the evidence provided and previous report against you to make a call. I do not see any reason currently to unban you as this thread is a continuation of your player report. Please persuade me otherwise.

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"One time I was just trolling and messing with a german guy on sidechat and just said "heil hitler, ja!" to tease him"

I don't think I have to add much to this.

Yes. People make mistakes & that's why there is an Unban Request Section.

I have you known that my decisions are only based on what I see/hear/read about a player.

No personal feelings involved.

Especially in a situation like this where there's only to solutions either accident or planned it's a big help to do some research to see if the person was involved in other stuff.

Based on THIS I will perform my actions.

I don't know PC Dan so I did him no favor with my decision. 

I don't know you so I don't hold any grudge towards you.

You was saying Heil Hitler in sidechat, as far as I care they deny this unbanrequest because that is NOT funny at all. No matter what your political point of view on certain present day conflicts is, it goes WAY to far to say praise and hail to a guy who nearly exterminated the Jewish population. If you want to make a point against zionism, as I expect you wanted to by saying ''heil hitler'', then go make a point against zionism, not against jews. It makes you racist and prejudiced and that will never, ever get you anywhere in any discussion.

You was saying Heil Hitler in sidechat, as far as I care they deny this unbanrequest because that is NOT funny at all. No matter what your political point of view on certain present day conflicts is, it goes WAY to far to say praise and hail to a guy who nearly exterminated the Jewish population. If you want to make a point against zionism, as I expect you wanted to by saying ''heil hitler'', then go make a point against zionism, not against jews. It makes you racist and prejudiced and that will never, ever get you anywhere in any discussion.
Even though your point is valid and I agree whole heartedly. He was banned for the deliberate glitching out of a vehicle while restrained with the intention of evading arrest and getting me killed,
His rascist remark which he got away with came back to bite him in the butt due to his incriminating himself and Steph used that along with the rest of the conversation to gain her own idea as to the type of player he was before she made her decision.

I agree with steph stating she and i in no way know eachother so her decision is purely on her own instinct as an admin who was doing her job.

Again, I'm going to repeat.. I am not racist.  I don't have anything neither against Germans nor Jews. Yes, it might be offensive for some group of people, which I didn't mean to do it.  When I wrote it, it was 1 month ago, the time when I just began the game and I didn't even have a group (so that I couldn't write through group chat) and neither knew about mechanics of game, so we were chatting through sidechat with my german friend (whom I know from real) and we were teasing each other by saying silly things, and I said "Heil Hitler, ja" just to tease him, not to tease all germans. I am not fan of hitler, nor enemy of jews. Please don't try to label me as a racist person, which I am not.

I wish you guys judged me on this subject, not on "Heil Hitler" subject.

And dear Stephanie, I know you might have got offended by it because I know you are from Germany, but again let me repeat myself.

I. did. not. mean. to. offend. anyone.  

I might have done it, for which I am truly sorry, but don't see me as a racist, just try to look widely because I was just messing and joking with my german friend by saying silly things to each other. He said smth, I said, he said, I said. Then I guess someone took picture of that (whom I don't even know, then posted on forum) 

I am mature guy, so taking responsibility of my actions is only what I can do. I am sorry, okay? Please look widely to situation. I am not racist.

In my group, we have two Israeli fellows. Just ask them if you don't believe in me.  [PT-s] Amir is his name.

There is nothing else I can add, I think. 

Thank you for paying attention

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"One time I was just trolling and messing with a german guy on sidechat and just said "heil hitler, ja!" to tease him"

I don't think I have to add much to this.

Yes. People make mistakes & that's why there is an Unban Request Section.

I have you known that my decisions are only based on what I see/hear/read about a player.

No personal feelings involved.

Especially in a situation like this where there's only to solutions either accident or planned it's a big help to do some research to see if the person was involved in other stuff.

Based on THIS I will perform my actions.

I don't know PC Dan so I did him no favor with my decision. 

I don't know you so I don't hold any grudge towards you.
Kaan you may wish to re read the above written by Steph. It kind of says she holds no personal grudge against you. This would include the racial comment.

Kaan you may wish to re read the above written by Steph. It kind of says she holds no personal grudge against you. This would include the racial comment.
With my all respect, I want to make it clear that I was directing my message to Stephanie, not to you PC Dan. So please, let her respond.

Thank you :)

The reason i wrote that to you kaan is because you have disregarded what steph said and im sure the only response from her you will get will line up with what she said before so i thought id save you time but be my guest and wait for her response.

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I just talked to Kaan on TS and we solved it.

He was very calm and I think he really deserves another chance.

Please post your GUID so we can unban you.

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