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Unban request (Unbanned 14/12/2014)

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I don't know what happened but you, the Admins, should know better than I do once you get into this

I gave Altis Life a try with a friend who played on the server already (had just installed Arma 3)

I don't remember what happened exactly as I have had been on the server/game for like 15mins or so, we were driving on a city and all of a sudden I was banned

This was a month or two ago

My name was HunterPT, if I'm not wrong, but I can provide any other details if needed for this case to be reviewed (I mean, I don't even know what I did or what happened)

This was on server #1

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To be honest I have no idea, I don't think I ran over anyone but as I said before we were driving through a city, but I'm pretty sure we didn't kill nobody!

But for whatever was done I leave my apologies here, I'm trying to start off on this server since I've got now a couple of friends playing on here, but I still have to learn everything about Altis Life in game, as I've read the rules by now

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I know this gentleman. He is an adult and responsible player. Give him a second chance.

It takes even longer when you bump your thread. Ill look at this tomorrow.

So as we cannot see why you were banned before I will give you a final chance providing you ensure you read our rules and post your GUID, not your Arma ID, for a final chance on the server.





Have you read our rules and do you have a new keyboard or even a tablet or mobile you can reply to us on?

Damn it I have Steam, no I wasn't trolling ;)  why would I troll on a topic where I am asking to be unbanned..

I have to use Steam's Big Picture Mode, otherwise I'll get an email from Steam with a code if I use the normal browser, and it pisses me off everytime.. and for some reason the spacebar doesn't work on BPM

Anyways back on topic, yes I've read the rules a couple of days ago, and I even found some typos (I can PM you them, if you feel that it's relevant), and I do have to ask you, what RDM and VDM stands for? I mean the initials!

Looking forward to hearing from you

Ok unbanned for a final chance... break the rules again and your perm banned without an appeal, thats the terms of this unban.

I suggest you read and follow the rules very closely.

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