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Unban Request (Unbanned 28/11/2014)

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was banned for crashing into the green zone and blowing up vehicle killing a couple of people

i said sorry instantly after and said i would compensate everything they lost, they didnt loose anything due to a medic reviving them but i still compensated one of them, the guy who put in a ban request didnt try to message me before hand even though i messaged him explaining the situation, i know it was a stupid move and i am sorry for it.

Even the player who put in a ban request said he should of messaged me first and has apparently asked for an unban.

Player ID: 76561198060035826

IGN: [Gc] Harry

GUID: c6796d556d45f28820925882b082dc65

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just want to add, i didnt purposely crash into there and crash into there vehicle, i went over a rock and landed on top of it, didnt mean for people to die, or the cars to blow up

I ve seen the video and it was the work of a idiot!

Why would you be travelling that fast into a VIP area ?.... was you trying to hit into there stuff before hitting a rock ?

Apparently he lost control of the vehicle. He admitted it was stupid (or another Goose Cartel member did) and offered compensation (which I missed till after the fact as it was all sent to my phone whilst I was alt+Tabbed processing the video). When I asked in voice chat I couldn't seem to talk to the gent (presume he was sending messages). 

IMO he won't be doing it again. 

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he is never going to be the designated driver again.

he will be sitting in the back of the pick-up with the rest of the peasants. 

it was the work of an idiot, i agree, and no i didnt even know they where in there, i went over a rock and landed that way, my bad

:D  I told you!! you are a bad driver Harry!  :D

look where it got you! not riding with you driving that's for sure  :p

You seem genuinely remorseful and it sounds like you are just a shit driver.

Ensure you read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken for a final chance on the server.

haha, something like that ^ i will follow the speed limit from now on, it wont happen again, thanks for the response 

The Rules I broke can be found under 4A, VDM and Killing in the Safe Zone.

and to be fair, Flying in the Safezone, pretty sure I broke that aswell. ;)

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