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Unbann request

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New member

I got banned a few days ago for combat logging ?

I was just playing the game, i was in a police car to be interregated by the police,

when we drove true kavala, the massive desync from his car just made my screen just freezed on my laptop ..

i want to log back in, and yes offcourse i am banned for combat logging, wich i understand, by now i updated my nvidia drivers, this should have fixed the problem of my game freezing cuz it wasnt the first time at all that it happens to me ..

i have been in jail few times or arrested or questioned you name it, i never logged off or anything so why should i decided to do it this one time ?

Im hoping you guys understand me, and give me another chance to play on the server, i really enjoyed my time on it so.

Greets, Kristof

Already replied to your other topic, Please refrain from opening multiple topics about the same issue.

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