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Underground Fighting League - The UFL begins.


Well-known member
[SIZE=13.3333px]Come one come all, to a modern day spectacle of man, the Underground Fighting League has begun, and you could be it's new stars, if you've got what it takes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.3333px]What are you talking about?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The UFL is an illegal underground league of combatants who can battle it out in teams against other teams from the league for money and glory. Join the league, challenge other teams to combat of 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 at one of our predetermined locations and kill the opposing team to win, it's that simple! Defeating other teams means winning points in the league with the ultimate goal being to claim the top spot and the right to say you're the best on the Island. Money can also be placed on matches by the combatants which will be split among the survivors of the winning team, as well as any prize money the Miner who is overseeing the fight wants to throw in for the winners.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.3333px]How does it work?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]It only takes a few simple steps to join the League, and then a few more to find a team to Challenge:[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=13.3333px]Make a post in this topic, detail your team name, it's abbreviation (Marmite Miners would be MM, but you can abbreviate it as you see fit) and your [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]FIVE[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] members. Members may not be part of more than one team and the team may not exceed five members, there is not a separate league for the various team sizes, you can challenge other teams based on how ever members you have online at the time and match down to that size.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=13.3333px]Once done, your team will be added to the UFL spreadsheet, which you can view but not edit, from here you can find the names of other teams/players in the league to contact.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Once you’ve completed these steps, you can at any point attempt to find a team to challenge.[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=13.3333px]To start a challenge, either contact another team via Teamspeak (we'll hopefully have a UFL lobby in the Miners TS channel, with channels for two teams and teams awaiting challenges), ingame, or by contacting a Miner who will help organise and oversee a match. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=13.3333px]If you’ve contacted a team by yourself, you still need to contact a Miner to oversee the match (it will not count towards the league if a Marmite Miner is not present to witness), you will then be picked up and flown  to (or make your own way to) the Marmite miners base to gear up ([/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]come with as little as possible and you can buy anything you need at the base[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px], as [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]weapons will be limited to TRGs[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] unless agreed upon by both teams, at which point no weapons are off limits, pistols only anyone?) discuss the terms, weapons, money, and Arena before being flown off to fight.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=13.3333px]Once there, you will be put in the starting positions for the arena, and either a shot will be fired into the air or by firing off the flares in a chopper to signal the match has begun, the winners are the team last standing. Once complete the winnings are split, and your points in the league will be updated by the Miner mediating the fight. You can now go back about your daily routine, having murdered some people for money and glory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.3333px]So, Any Rules?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]There are a few things to remember during the course of setting up and during a match:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]Betting should be a large part of the league, and we encourage participants to raise the stakes by placing money on the fight they are about to partake in. The amount has to be met by both sides, so if Team A puts down 100k, and Team B puts down 50k, the lowest amount will be the agreed upon bet. This is so that the teams are on equal footing with one team not in a position to win more than the other. No money should be taken with you into a match, the cash machine can be used in the Marmite Miners base.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.3333px]T[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]o Clarify, the available weapons/equipment by default are, a piece of clothing of the fighters choice, a bandolier, a TRG and how ever mags/smoke grenades you can carry and a sight of choice, no plate carriers or helmets are allowed by default. This is the minimum requirement for each match and we encourage participants to carry nothing on them before arriving at the Marmite Miners base at which point they can gear up, the Marmite Miners will [/SIZE]not [SIZE=13.3333px]supply weapons/equipment for the league. So long as it is agreed by both parties during the setup in the base, [/SIZE]any weapons or equipment can be used, but ONLY if BOTH parties are in agreement[SIZE=13.3333px], otherwise only the default setup will be used.[/SIZE]


No spectators will be allowed[SIZE=13.3333px], the match will consist of the 2 participating teams and 1 or possibly more Marmite Miners to oversee that the match is completed fairly. This is to reduce the chance of friends assisting one of the teams or interfering with the match. It also reduces the chances of someone tipping off the police of our activities. We hope to record some matches from the air for later viewing by spectators, but no spectators will be allowed to view the match itself. [/SIZE]


Below there is a list of the available arenas in which matches may take place, these are predetermined arenas and no other locations will be considered at the time of setup, but you can suggest we add a location for later use. During the setup in the base the challenging team[SIZE=13.3333px] can decide upon which arena they wish to use, the defending team [/SIZE]have the choice of spawn (point 1 or 2)[SIZE=13.3333px]. The Marmite Miner present has the final say and can pick at random if for some reason a decision cannot be made. Before the combat you must listen to the Miner who will place you in the starting positions and give the starting signal, which they should inform you of before the match. This will most likely be a shot into the air or via firing the flares of a helicopter. Once the match has begun, you must stay within the designated area which should be explained pre fight by the Miner, and kill the opposing team to win. A time limit of 5 minutes will be held on all matches to avoid camping, at which point the team with the most remaining men left wins. Points can be deducted for starting before the signal, leaving the area for too long a period or injuring the Miner referee.[/SIZE]

Challenging[SIZE=13.3333px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Your team can only challenge each team once, but those teams may still return a challenge after a match has been completed, so there is an opportunity to fight each team twice. The challenges will reset on a weekly basis, this may vary based on the length of the league. A Spreadsheet will be setup log who has challenged who which will be visible for everyone to view. If you are looking for a fight purely for money/fun, you may challenge anyone as many times as you like, without league points being logged. You can also ask the Miners to organise a fight, and see if they can find you a match, even if it’s just a team of randoms.[/SIZE]

League Points

[SIZE=13.3333px]We’ve decided to try a clanbase system of points, with every team starting at 1000, with the simple formula of (Loser points/Winner points*100) so if two teams with the starting points play, the winner will receive 100 points (1000/1000*100=100). This formula means a  team challenging up to a higher team will gain more points for winning, than the team high in the league will gain for winning. For example a team with 1400 points challenging a team with 900, if the 900 rank team wins they will get:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px](1400/900*100=155)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]But if the 1400 rank teams wins they will get[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px](900/1400*100=64)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]The losing team goes down by the same amount of points.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]League points only count if a Marmite Miner is present to witness the combat. [/SIZE]

Server 2 is the official server for the UFL

Unless both teams are on server 1, server 2 should be used for matches.

[SIZE=17.3333px]Just some thoughts[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]I hope for this league to mostly just be a bit of fun, an outlet for people wanting combat, a means to solve disputes between gangs or rival players, as well as a way to make a few quick bucks for anyone who can afford a weapon, with the added bonus of glory from working your way up the league, hopefully with prizes at the end of each term. This  is very much an illegal activity and so we must avoid police interaction, but the potential for police raids and RP is most certainly there, and I’d love to see that happen if they can get tip offs. The locations I’ve chosen are out of the way on the island, this is to hopefully avoid any RDMing incidents, as the people fighting will have met each other, and agreed to combat, but the Miners will have the duty to check the surrounding area with choppers to make sure the fighters are clear to shoot on sight as only the willing participants should be in the area. [/SIZE]

Sign up Form

Please copy and paste this form into your post filling out up to 5 members.

Team Name:


Team member names



Base (209192)


Castle (048219)


Container (153160)


Forest (107119)


Island (134199)


Mansion (219210)


Storage (183155)


Village (104172)



Current UFL Reps (contact one of these to organise a match) 





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This looks insane, hope it goes well Cutter! And best of luck to all teams who apply, may the best 5 win!

I love this idea! this is what I have missed about the miners! Good post! Can't wait to see these videos. 

Another one of Cutter & Ash's amazing workings!  Look forward to seeing the videos on this, only wish I could be apart of it, or even just spectate..

Hope you's have a good time, good luck to everyone who enters!

Looks quality!

what if we get accidentally get taken hostage and have to compete to have a chance of survival. Valuing our life's?
Well, I did mention that if a team wanted a match, we would "find" some participants for them, if willing ones are not available then we may just have encourage some people to take part...

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Gc are in basically whoever is not banned  ;)

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@Christian12 @Xsum Our police holiday is soon, up for fiting?

Excellent :)  first team to sign up, added to the spreadsheet, we just need some more signups so there is some competition now!

I'm definitely going to have to enter this. Have done countless events with cutter and ash in my time so i know this will be good as always, just feel bad for whoever is up against my team.

Phoar, Proxs sexy man gang. will look forward to adding your team to the league.Glad to see you're still about!

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Remember guys you can start a team of any 5 people, you don't all have to be apart of the same gang to form a team  :D
