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Undo Ban Please

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New member
So i just got banned today for VDM-ing in Athira near the cashpoint, one of the admins was looking over the events and proceeded to ban me, fortunately i was recording the events and have uploaded it. 
The two people i ran over were in a skype call with me at the time, and are friends of mine, i've played for hours on that server and would appreciate an unban. 
Here is the Video:

Here is the skype call, it lasted through the time i as banned today, and as you can see, my friend sent me he link to request an unban : http://imgur.com/TF1vyxL
I would very much appreciate a response, 
Many Thanks

This video is private...... nice start, Fix for admins plz.

also, I see you want a fast response, however, ).



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Sorry, just had to make it unlisted not private, why you gotta be sarcastic about it? Here you go:

It doesnt matter how long it takes really, i would just like it seen and reviewed fairly:)

I can understand you may have been in a call with your friends and that the two people you did run over we're those friends also, however you have to see this from another perspective. How can the admins guarantee that you are going to take the server rules seriously? VDM is inexcusable on the western side of altis. With respect if you want to piss around like a bunch of lunatics you have the entire eastern side of the map to go and do that stuff. Don't make everyone else's life a lot harder by bringing it over to the western side otherwise you WILL be banned for doing things like this. If you get unbanned I highly suggest you read the server rules in depth and understand not to do anything silly like this again because the admins already have enough on their plate as it is.

As it stands VDM is against the rules with NO exceptions. If Admins walk around and see this kind of stuff you will be banned, it doesnt matter if your mother came to play the game, you still couldn't run her over. all this behavior does is give more work to Admins and clogs up the unban on the forums, you don't seem like some mass VDMing madman and i trust you will respect our server rules. in my opinion unban approved, i will have to speak with Wilco to get this topic locked and approved. Be patient

If you show some kind of understanding that no matter what, in the green zone rules are rules, then we may be able to process your unban,

Waiting for response.

This was over 4 days ago, Please respond by no later than 29/07/2014, if you dont we will consider that your not coming back and move to denied (unban request will then need to be resent.

Many Thanks

This was over 4 days ago, Please respond by no later than 29/07/2014, if you dont we will consider that your not coming back and move to denied (unban request will then need to be resent.

Many Thanks
sorry i've been on holiday for the week, but im back one day before your deadline, i understand all the rules and will promise to not do that stuff on altis, although it was an accident:) Many thanks for responding

No worries, make sure you dont as there is no appeal process for a 2nd ban its then perm.

Please PM me with your GUID and a link to this thread so i can process your unban request.

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