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Unknown player RDM (Lack of evidence)

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Jack Swanson

Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Unknown, someone must check logs
Time & Date this happened: 2/01/2015 12:00 PM
Description of what happened: I went to buy a helicopter, then realised i did not have the license (I was in a rush as the server was about to restart) and i had the 500k on me, on my way to the ATM i was gunned down by a player and i didn't catch his name. He did not initate Roleplay in anyway and i have lost all the money i had.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, i dont know his name
I also dont have evidence as i dont expect people to randomly gun others down for no reason, its a roleplay server, people are meant to roleplay. I am hoping someone can check the logs from the time and see. Thanks
What do you think the logs contain exactly? I'll tell you what they don't contain, direct chat sound files.

You need evidence my friend like every other person has provided.

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