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UNMC Attack and Defend 24/07/2016 - 18:00


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Northern Ireland
Tomorrow night I'll be hosting another Attack and Defend on the UNMC Training Server. If you wish to join, join the 'UNMC Attack and Defend Waiting Room' by at least 17:50 tomorrow night, and I'll move you into respective channels before we start.

There are a couple of rules to make it fun/fair.

  1. No Mk 1's, this is the Sniper class. Do not use this.
  2. No Explosives, this is the Grenadier class. Do not use this.
  3. No Glitching! I had people do this last time and it really pissed people off. I'll be banning people if I see you do it, and will allow someone else to play.
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Hell yeah! I'm in. Did it before with these guys and loved it! 2 Attack and Defends in a row on the same evening!

@DI Jack

I might be in for tommorow. IDK

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Because it's attack and defend, I don't want 5 attackers sitting 200m+ sniping and not attacking the objective.
