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UNMC hellcat..



Well unfortunately i did not record but... stole a UNMC chopper and was chased by a ghost and a soul grinder, was the most tense chase xD.  

I am disappoint. I was prepared to rip my guys a new asshole in their armpits if it was the soul grinder.

Ha was a fun little chase. That soon ended with UNMC turning on us and shooting our tail rotor out over Paros, Me Maratek and Levi fleeing for our lives back to Kavala ending in a very spirally descend to the ground in a spectacular fashion. RIP Ghosthawk!

Iv never seen this soul grinder.. Anyone care explain what it is? And why it grinds souls? (Maybe a screenshot)

Oh shizzle..Well, I aint gonna fuck with the UNMC then!

Rumor has it, that it can sense your very soul & every victims soul is trapped inside it for eternity...
