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UNMC TRF has laned oh jess takeing fire

G0od LuCk In Th3 C0mMunitY!! AnD i Hop3 Y0uR N3w G4nG g0es well!

Doesn't mean anything what's the TRF stand for? Tropical Rain Forest?? 
Tactical Recognition Flash, trying to use military terminology but not knowing what it means = fail

P.s autocorrect buggering up quick witted comment, also a fail 😑

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is this the most viewd arrival?

wel its not tho we are a official unit https://units.arma3.com/unit/1unmc


 Fake UNMC

 Real UNMC

20 guys, do I have to say any more and founding in does not make you here before us and mate we have a unit as well 😇 
