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Use of the taxi

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New member
My suggestion is this :
Remove 90% of the random cars or even all of them. That being said, the taxi career will be more viable
Although, for this to be implemented, an info tab on the F5 must be placed for all new players to access. That info being Using the phone/Buying Vehicles/How to do basic jobs. So people can start off with a little bit of info and work their way from there.

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you can still do NPC jobs when you dont have customers
Yes you can, but doing player rides would be more viable, like the Flatbed business which gives you 1.300-2200. The taxi does not provide the same stuff.
Also imo, repair kit should be 2.000 and the server should have whitelisted mechanics who can repair (without a repair kit). Make jobs more player interactive

Rejected on a votes basis.

There is plans to lock a lot of local vehicles and have them need a cheap basic lockpick which people can make and sell to get access.

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