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Utilizador (Action: Ban Issued 28/12/2014)

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Well-known member
My Secret Island
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Utilizador
Time & Date this happened:
18/12/2014 13:20 - 13:30
Description of what happened:
2 police officers were down on the street, I was going there as a medic. The rebels who shot them were friendly and told me that I could get the officers up when they left. Then Utilizador walks up, took the gun from the police officer. I asked him if I could heal the officers. He told me not to because he wanted to keep the gun and I had to leave or he would shoot me. He said to open my car. So I decided to go away cause he wanted that. While driving away he told me to stop but started to shoot at when I started to drive, I had no time to stop and he already told me to leave. I'm not sure what he wanted. Me driving away or stopping. I tried to roleplay.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Didn't find him on teamspeak. He can explain it here.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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I was the officer death and its ttrue he didt revive he had to drove off and then he gt killed

At the end he says: If you go away I shoot you man .. funny. You did as he wanted to.

Seems like he just wanted to steal your car.

Apparently little does he knows thats against the rules ..

Approved - Awaiting Action . 18/12/14

a5cfa8b4e7cfa8ea24c7aaadb3303865 -1 Utilizador - Forum Report 28/12/2014

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