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VAL Black has ascended to gabenhood

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Good luck and have fun with wherever life takes you :).

sooooooo, haven't been on ts or ingame a lot recently... although i have been scouring the forums quite a bit... this is due to work and school... it sucks, but i know it will be worth it in the end. 

So without further redue, my leaving post.

Over the months i have been here, i can easily say this is the best community out there (both in and out of rp). the roleplay i have been treated to here has been amazing (even the hobos can be funny) and the decency i have been treated with here by the entire community has been awesome. 

and finally i want to thank a few peoplezzz

@ArrogantBread, you are indeed a master pilot... from the day you came into athira hq and threw smokes at me, to when we sat and had shits and giggles in the mentor lounge... it was amazing to know you and i hope you never change, you madman.

@, You ARE the sexiest scottish pimp alive... aswell as being the offspring of a bee and lara croft. it started when me and someone else (it may have been fordie) were going to trade a cso for a hobo

you and @SCHWEPPES found. bee, you get all the bitches and you allways will do...

@SCHWEPPES, from the time mentioned above, to playing Warthunder and recking scrubs in our tigers... it was good. 

@Voltages, awesome cop and friend... miss going undercover with you in a truckboxer.

@Rossss, u lil squeaker.... you've been a good friend and very entertaining when you got pissed ^^.

@Connall, the man with a cam... its been fun messing about on altislife and on minecraft... keep on repoing bud.

@Summers, the scouse badass... like ross, youre also a squeeker, but like ross you also have bigger balls than half the server... miss ya.

@Wills King, angry american... nuff said... (ps, gonna miss u)

@imstyle, cold hearted, evil and twisted... and it's fucking awesome. gonna miss the rust life with ya. (ps, fuck you for randomly moving me <3)

@FordiezZ, the sexiest midget there is. the times we had were fucking great.

@Cryant, jeg er glad i deg, jeg vil slikke din fitte <3.

@INS Tampax, allways there as a friend and for that time of the month.

@DaveMiller, funny man... mlg starwars battlefront ftw.

@CMO Marc Smith, the times we had ingame were great... a fuck ton of banter... gotta play some more WOW sometime soon.

@GP Hank, a brilliant gp and an awesome bloke, the same thing goes for you when it comes to WOW as stated above ;)

@GP. Daanish, being an awesome guy pretty much all the time... always pictured you as @hatchingdraggon's dad for some reason...

@puppy1004, the ifrit-loving hobo too lazy to even change his name to puppy instead of puppy1004... also don't run people over... hobo <3

@Juniorr, the happiest man alive... you could bring a man back from the brink of suicide... i will miss you.

@Elakin, cheeky wanker...

@the admins: thanks for keeping this community up and running... you kick ass (or ban ass) see what i did there?

@PCSO Robert, thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the mentor team... it was enjoyable till the end.

@Ciaran, thanks for creating a metrick fuck ton of content... amazing codemonkey...

@Wilco, although our encounters have been breif, i thank you for keeping this community together after all it's been through. ddos, hackers and irl threats... gj!

@all the hobos who asked me to unban them in the welcome center, you gave me something to do when i was bored, and gave me a job. so thank you.

@the whole fucking community, YOU are what makes this server stand out, and YOU are the ones that can drive it into the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         So thank you... i enjoyed my stay, but now it's time to go away... jk... i will always be on the forums. (ps. i very likely missed a couple... this should be fixed in due course... and i haven't forgotten you.

i decided to make a list of people i forgot...

@simen, gonna minn u 2 bud... an awesome hobo that does everything you tell him not to do.

@samuel thompson and his darter... gonna miss you even if you got VERY pissed at times... it just made it better
Its been a pleasure val! pop on ts always welcome in the GP office, and i'll see you on azeroth!

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