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Valueing your life and not iniating back


Well-known member
So i had this question is it bannable to not value your life and when you are getting demanded on gunpoint by 2 guys or so and you dont iniate back and shoot them bannable?? Because what i've seen/learned is that you can shoot back when your being hold on gunpoint without counter iniation. I've seen cops,poseidon and civv do this and i have no clue if it got changed or not. And with valueing your life i know you need to do that but i have seen cops 3 against 1 doing this (not saying all cops so pls dont be mad) so yeah i was wondering what changed!

(Not trying to cause drama for anyone who thinks that just a question out of a player who has not been updated by anyone)

There is not, and never has been, a rule about "counter initiation". In fact, the only rules that mention "initiation" are in the context of "initiating roleplay".

There is not, and never has been, a rule about "counter initiation". In fact, the only rules that mention "initiation" are in the context of "initiating roleplay".
Ah thx mate yeah i heard some guys talk about it and i said its not a rule but i wasn't sure so thats why i came here

The whole "initiating" thing that crops up again from time to time is, to me, a bit weird: it gives the illusion of some magic phrase that will turn a situation into a gunfight, which is, ironically, against the rules (see 2.2).

A roleplay situation should evolve organically. No two situations are ever going to be exactly the same, and if the staff team gave a list of how you should act in every situation then we'd be a ruleplay server, not a roleplay one. This is why we have our "common sense" rule, 1.7:

(1.7) As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense.

Roleplay what makes sense.

If you have a gun pointed at your head, with someone demanding that you give them your money, do you really need them to tell you explicitly that they are going to shoot you if they don't, or is the gun being pointed at your head along with the demands enough information to get that message across?

Equally, if you manage to distract them by getting them to look at the cops you pinky promise are behind them, pull out your pistol and shoot them first, do you need to warn them before you do, or are you defending yourself from the implied threat that the mugger was making?

The whole "initiating" thing that crops up again from time to time is, to me, a bit weird: it gives the illusion of some magic phrase that will turn a situation into a gunfight, which is, ironically, against the rules (see 2.2).

A roleplay situation should evolve organically. No two situations are ever going to be exactly the same, and if the staff team gave a list of how you should act in every situation then we'd be a ruleplay server, not a roleplay one. This is why we have our "common sense" rule, 1.7:

Roleplay what makes sense.

If you have a gun pointed at your head, with someone demanding that you give them your money, do you really need them to tell you explicitly that they are going to shoot you if they don't, or is the gun being pointed at your head along with the demands enough information to get that message across?

Equally, if you manage to distract them by getting them to look at the cops you pinky promise are behind them, pull out your pistol and shoot them first, do you need to warn them before you do, or are you defending yourself from the implied threat that the mugger was making?
Pretty sure if he did pull his pistol and shoot them he would 100% get banned for rdm if that was the case....

Would he?

Given the context, I wouldn't ban.

Would he?

Given the context, I wouldn't ban.
But other staff would. Subject is very much staffmember to staffmember, and no matter what you do, there's a risk of getting banned unless you over, over rp to the point of gaining a disadvantage. 

I disagree.

What have they done, in this situation, do you believe, that would warrant a ban?

Would he?

Given the context, I wouldn't ban.
Maybe you wouldn't ban but others will. The fact that you have to give a high quality is the reason people "counter initiate" 

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yeah thats why i got confused as i saw someone get banned for not giving high enough roleplay and instantly shoot when his life was at stake so yeah thats where my confusion comes from

yeah thats why i got confused as i saw someone get banned for not giving high enough roleplay and instantly shoot when his life was at stake so yeah thats where my confusion comes from
Yup its so dumb, especially when people are threatening to kill you and you have to sit there counter initiating rather then trying to defend yourself

yeah thats why i got confused as i saw someone get banned for not giving high enough roleplay and instantly shoot when his life was at stake so yeah thats where my confusion comes from
I don't have the full context of that situation, so I can't comment on it.

Please have a think about the questions I posed above, and look at the entire situation. It wasn't as simple as "guy pulls out pistol, other guy pulls out pistol and shoots".

I've also been assuming that you're referring to our Arma 3 server. If you're playing on the FiveM server then there is a specific rule regarding valuing your life, G2.4.

I don't have the full context of that situation, so I can't comment on it.

Please have a think about the questions I posed above, and look at the entire situation. It wasn't as simple as "guy pulls out pistol, other guy pulls out pistol and shoots".

I've also been assuming that you're referring to our Arma 3 server. If you're playing on the FiveM server then there is a specific rule regarding valuing your life, G2.4.
he's referring to this 

I do agree with your stand on things though, If someone is threatening to kill you you shouldn't have to counter initiate you should just be able to defend yourself but unfortunately its just how the server has progressed over the years.

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he's referring to this 
well yes and no this 1 situation that happend but cant comment on this as i was not there at the time. I was there one time when i robbed a dude i was alone and he was alone i tried to rob him he indeed pulled gun and killed me fair play but then later he got banned as i saw him being teleported away and kicked off the server ( i dont know the name and time off ban anymore as it was a while ago and dont know the person itself )

but it is indeed a good example of this situation and why im even more confused ATM ( i was already confused)

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The key in any situation is high quality roleplay. If there is no quality roleplay then neither side has any reason to shoot, and if someone decides to then that's the rule they are breaking.

"Put your hands up or I'll shoot" is not quality roleplay, let alone high quality.
