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Vehicle theft from blue zone

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Abidemi Adongo

Active member
United Kingdom / Nigeria
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): TKC Godric
Time & Date this happened: cant remember  but it was on 1/5/15
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened: I went to make a complaint about a police officer abusing me (RP) and I saw a hobo there messing around near the police cars.  I then witnessed Godric jumping down and he stole the police car from the kavala police hq.
What Rule Was Broken ?:  6E)[SIZE=medium] You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No because each time we've tried, it's pointless and results in abuse and arguments.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
side chat people were screaming through their mics so I removed annoying sound.

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Where I started recording was slightly just after the moment where you was pulled out of the car and then when I saw rebels up on top of your wall hurling abuse at the cops, I thought something was gonna happen so it's why I started recording.
The fact is, what I saw was a police vehicle being stolen from the blue zone. Police cars are strictly for the police. Godric is not a police officer although so you say he was trying to act like one. It's like if I lock picked a vehicle in the Green zone and shouted to everybody nearby "it's okay, I lost my keys, I'm just trying to get in my car" as an RP story, and drive off with somebody else's vehicle, you think then I'm not breaking any rules? 
It's okay, I completely understand that you cant help yourself meddling in. 
Do you @TI Mike have any sufficient video evidence that backs up your story?
If so, please provide and let the admins decide. If not please stay outta this because it has nothing to do with you or anybody else for that matter.
Hello I am posting this on behalf of [TKC] G0dric as he is at work and his work pc blocks off the website. He sent me this to reply to the report.
As Mike said the whole RP session started at the cross road. I was in possession of a police car I already lock picked from Kavala streets and was in possession of for several minutes and had keys. I parked next to Mike told him hands up ziptie him and drove him into the police station zip tied trying to incriminate him for stealing a police car. I was watching how it went down from the concrete wall above. DI Wes Mantooth was the one that was possessing Mike. Mike pulled his charm and got out of it without a ticket, I waited 30 - 40 sec for the scene to clear, ninja jumped and took back the car. If there was sound in the video maybe you could hear me unlocking it (don't remember if I left it locked or unlocked don't know if it did make a sound or not)
1)  Have you tried to resolve this over teamspeak.   NO.
If he did I would explain what happened and that I was the current owner of the car. I would also have saved evidence showing the whole scenario since this event happened 3 days ago and this could be resolved easier by uploading a simple recording showing me driving into the station with the already stolen suv..(I don't save recordings more than 3 days if I don't receive a message about something). I never received a message in ts or sidechat about possible rule breaking. This could be resolved much easier. Instead the video is cut to 49 seconds showing nothing but the very end of it.
2) The whole scene lasted maybe around ~5 min. The video incriminating me is cut to 49 seconds on purpose not revealing the whole story. Doesn't show me driving into the station with Mike and the short RP that followed with DI Wes Mantooth. It only shows me leaving. The incriminating bits only without the back story.
Since this happened 3 days ago and I don't have saved recordings to provide evidence for my innocence and also you didn't give me a heads up or a message to gather my evidence I believe it's fair I request that you upload the whole video of the event maybe around 15min uncut and with voice on. And if in that video is not an exact representation of what me and Mike described in words on this thread the admins can ban me on the spot.
3) I understand that the Admins cannot write a 300 page rules about "what happens if this and that happens" it's a grey area and admins can take decisions but in my situation I already had the keys to the car I was taking. I parked it there to make it more believable for the officer to arrest Mike (like a scene prop) and actually believe that an officer brought him in for processing and that Mike stole the police car so he tickets him. (Me and Mike were in the same ts channel and everything was done for the banter and getting  him arrested)
4) Neither me or Mike have a recording saved that proves my innocence cause this happened 3 days ago. Maybe DI WesMantooth remembers me driving in but I believe he just spawned at that moment maybe he didn't have visual or we already had arrived and parked don't remember exactly but he was there at the spawning point when I drove in.
5) 6E) You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)  
Let's say I steal an SUV vehicle from someone in the streets of Kavala fair and square I enter the Police station (blue area) or I stop at the green zone market to buy something to eat and then go back out of green/blue area. That is what happened here. Only with a Police car instead of a SUV.
I didn't steal the car in the blue zone. I had already stolen(keys) and drive it in/out of a blue zone.  In the video reporter provided you can see me jump in that exact direction already knowing which car of the 2 was "mine" which car I had keys to and a general plan of calculated movements showing that something previously followed for me to acquire this knowledge.
If there was a rule saying "You are unable to drive stolen vehicles in/out of a blue zone" then I will admit I broke that one but there is no such rule. If there is such rule then every player with a stolen car that drives through market,bar or fishmarket green zone square with an already stolen vehicle is a rule breaker and should be banned.
6) Your words not mine. Jimmy Jones" Where I started recording was slightly just after the moment where you was pulled out of the car". Now I don't remember exactly what happened because it was a while back but experienced players know that you need the keys to pull someone out of a car! If I was the one that pulled Mike out of the car from your words right there proves I had keys to the SUV before entering blue zone. Also some seconds before pulling Mike out of the car you could see me driving into the Kavala HQ with him with that same suv and parked it right there convenient you started recording 5 seconds too late.
In conclusion because you failed to give me a warning message on the same day of the event for me to collect and save my evidence and you come here 3 days later with an edited video cut 40 seconds long, I request that you upload a full version of a video 10-15min, with voice.  It will be enough to prove if I am innocent or guilty and the admins can decide that. I am at work I will be home tonight.
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That's some grade A waffle!

TI Mike - TLDR, I hid your posts as you're not involved. (You could have literally learnt a new skill in the time you spent writing all that - why not try baking? Now off you pop and go learn how to make a Victoria Sponge or something).

And for the rest of you, remember the rules - If you're not involved and you post, I'll remove it (and then laugh at how much time you just wasted). Warning points may be given.


Police car not stolen in blue zone. No case to answer.

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