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Videogeddon Arcade - Business


The Videogeddon Arcade

Right now in city it feels like everyone is roleplaying illegal things or is a cop there is no middle ground thats why we would like to open up the arcade as a club/bar.

I think the Videogeddon arcade could bring some entertaining events to the community like Kareoke nights, Improv night, Comedy club and parties in general. This would make the RP more extensive as we would be hosting multiple events a week to bring the city closer together.

This would be different from other nightclubs/bars as we would have arcade machines and would be looking to improve the business in every single way whether that is employing more staff members or giving free drinks out for a night we could also setup hiring out the venue this could be done by messaging an employee we would let all the guests in then lock the doors so that the guests have privacy from civilians outside we would only rent it out weekdays and on friday, saturday and sunday it would be used for our own events (Kareoke Nights, Improv Nights and Parties).

For the kareoke event at the start of the night we would allow people to come over tell us their name and the song they want to sing and when it gets to their name we go up on the stage and say this is [name] and they are singing [song name] this would make for some hilarious interactions with the community.

For the Improv Night we would select random people from the crowd and give them a scene to act out in a group this would make for some very good roleplay on roleplay this would allow the crowd to show off their improv skills.

We would also host raffles every month for luxurious cars.

Photos of the arcade:






The things we need worked on:

Videogeddon A.png

Videogeddon B.png

Videogeddon C.png

A - The front door on the building only works from the inside so nobody can enter through the front door which is annoying.

B - This is where we would like the jukebox to go so we can play music.

C - We just need to make sure that this garage door and the rest of the doors have locks on them and prevent people from getting in out of hours.


  • More frequent events will be happening
  • More competitive enviroment for the bars/clubs
  • More interactions with businesses


  • Work for the devs

Great idea, though i believe proposals for new businesses are closed and have been for quite a while now, keep it safe, maybe even make a word document of it with even more detail, and submit it once proposals do open up again
