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Vlad Vagin moving from Altis

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Vlad Vagin

In a Ifrit or Orca by HM
Hello brothers and sisters of Altis. My name is Vlad Vagin. Many of you might know me as the co-leader of PLF, a man who have worked hard for his Family and fellow civilians to fight for our rights, and get Altis back to a free country.
When some of you have met the kindhearted Vlad, who just want to make things right, and have a peaceful smoke out around the campfire.

Today is the day my work on this Island is done. I have fought wars, I have done time, and I have caused rallies. However, the government is to strong. They are constantly recruiting people from the UK countries, and bringing more and more officers and corrupt government employees to Altis.
And they are slowly taking control of things that are out of our hands. Our political views are being crushed. And we are soon just puppets in a show, were the world goes on around us. That makes me feel that my work here is done. It’s nothing left for me if my speeches are for nothing, and my fighting is for a dying cause. I woud rather move, than see the island I have fallen in love with so much over the last months (ooc: since june/july 2014) get taken over fully by the UK government and their laws.

I’m sorry for the civilians I have taxed during my time here on Altis. I’m sorry that your payments went to a man who now is leaving. But don’t worry, I will bring my founds to another country. And I will put them in good use to fight for whatever cause I would find interesting.


I woud like to thank all the people who made my time here amazing.
It’s so many names, so I woud try to mention the people I remember, and for those who I forgot im sorry, and you will allways be in my memory.

Grannez – For taking me in to PLF, and letting me envolve PLF to what it is today.
Gabriel – For all our robberys and amazing shit we have done. From when we were scared on coke runs, until we ran the coke runs ^^
Kris – We have shared the same ideas on how a rebel gang shoud be. And your kindness and ears have been there for me when I have been super frustrated and needed to shout to someone.
Jones – Well, what more do I need to say bro. Nono…….. I clean xD
Borris – My faithfull brother, we have been though a lot in our time together, and we will keep going strong. I will fix the immigration papers for you as allways <3
Dagre – You have been a amazing person, your energy is so insane sometimes that you actually wear old Vlad out sometimes ;P
DainMK / RJ. Kalloway – Your RP is one of the best I have ever seen. You change characters and still you don’t fail. You are one fantastic person mate.
Fearghal – Your Irish was hard to understand at first, but our adventures and crashes around the land of Altis have been to funny sometimes xD
Samurai – Well bro, you are fucking one of a kind! One of the coolest guys on teamspeak, mr Big Dick ^^
Tasteless – You have been away for a while. But your Mk18 is still framed in the base J
Danne – Your robbing and shooting skills are one of the best I have experienced, and your RP is funny as fuck!
Eclipse – You are one funny man, sad that you not were here in the end of the war
Ashley – You have allways just followed orders and been a delight to play with.
Juan / Juani Juani – Bro you are one funny RPer, your airlines is definitely something I will use on my ride out from this Island.
Foon – Allways up for making a buck, and that we have done brother! :D Hope you sub came in good use ^^
Doohicky – Damn, I don’t even know. I cant describe how mutch I have enjoyed rolling around with you. And mate, I’m so glad you fixed your “drinking problem”
Snickers / Snowflake – So glad that I were able to get to know you. And mate your raging are priceless ^^ Also one of the best Arma combat players I have met.
Gaarderlid – You were allways up to some shit, and evrytime I came to check what you were doing, I had to provide backup. Made us go through tough times together! Good memories brother.
Clapton – Deeply missed in the ranks the last months. I’m glad I got to play with you, and our RDM sessions on other communities are a highlight I still have xD
Trurb – Even tho you are one of the new men, you have been able to be one of the best liked men in PLF, thanks for being awesome mate.
Dane – Dane, Dane and Dane, not to be confused with Danne. Your RP have been spot on since day 1. And your way in handling situations and problems on is amazing. You have made a deep impression on me.
Nikolai Vagin – Well Nikolai, you are my blood, my brother, I love you for what you are.. And Im so happy that you joined the dark side with us.
MrPat – Mr Rich, you have done more coke than the civilization on altis atm. Sad that you moved to startis a while ago bro.
Palmoz – The swede that never shuts up :p I don’t know were to start bro, we have been here since the start. Im still gonna carry you in League don’t worry <3
Wolf – Wolf youre Scottish accent is so awesome! And since you and Palmoz joined, I have not been able to imagine PLF without you. But here we are you are gone and im moving.
Emil – Emil, our night in my bungalow at Panochori. LEGENDARYYYYYYYY. I still have the video on the USB Stick. Might need to wash it.
Meow – Our Kavala Caste “Brawl” is epic.
SaltyWalty / Walt Hemmingway – You prolly don’t remember, but in august 2014 I almost hit you when I was drunk driving through Agios. And you tried your best to get me to the station to confess my crime! I still have that recorded and I watch it from time to time. You RP skills are brilliant.
George - Your videos of the community and the way you gave PLF the chanse was fantastic. Keep on with your amazing work

It’s so many other I could talk about, and this post could go on for ages. Because it’s all you players that have made my day as a PLF member possible.
You have accepted our way of RP in a fantastic way. And I’m super happy that I have been able to be apart of the best RP gang I have ever been in.
We have done so much shit, and seen so much funny stuff, that I cant remember the half of it!

The police force!
Wow, were do I start. I have prolly been badmouthing all of you ingame. And you have at most times always been able to sort me out pretty good.
It’s so many of you I want to thank. And I don’t want to make this post 2 pages xD
But all of you who have been willing to listen to my BS story’s. You are proper gents.
So instead of listing and missing out on some people, Ill thank all of you!

Not going to say goodbye without thanking the server tho.
Wilco and Ciaran. I thank you for letting us getting our base. I thank you for giving us a chance to do our thing.
Maratek and Neo, you were always there when I needed someone to talk to..
Vladic, you scared the shit out of me when you had me at that “Stonehedge” thing. And remember im #1 :p
Steph you have always been a angry little German ^^ But we all love you, and you do a good job.

On the other side. I mby felt that the last months the understanding PLF and the admins had between each other mby faded away.
I’m not sure.
But you gave us the chance in the first place and I thank you for that.

And the last words.
I’m addicted to Altis. So I will prolly be around from time to time.
But I guess this is the last of Vlad Vagin as the man you knew.

Thank you all.
And sorry for all miss spelling

This actually makes me really really sad.

I wish you ALL the best Vlad.
You are a great & funny guy and fuck I gonna miss you an awful lot.

Wherever you go next I hope they treat you good and that you make sure to dominate them!

Maybe - one day you come back to Altis.

Be sure that you are ALWAYS welcome to return.

Maybe it's not gonna happen - but one can hope right?

You never know how things change ..

All the best sweety! ♥

Oh fucking no. There goes the best russian accent I have ever heard, there goes the best problem solver on the altis island. You are a true gent, salute you and hope to see you around sometime. :)

This makes me incredibly sad, Vlad, you are one of the best RPers on the server and it was always a pleasure to run into you, whatever the circumstances. I understand your reasons for leaving, and wish you the best. Hopefully we will see you around in the future!

Sad to see you go Vlad :(
You were byfar one of my favorite people i have ever met on this server, the good ol' days when you made me and Grym rob banks, gonna miss ya bro ;(

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Thank you for the kind words :)

And I still have my summer house. So will visit that from time to time :)

@Yamiez you are one amazing guy, wish you the best of luck with your work :)

I am glad you are going because then there will be no dispute over who is the best Vlad. (I was always number one)

In all honesty you were a fucking awesome rper. I would say one of the best. You will be missed by me. Good luck wherever you end up friend.

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Vlad, brother, Kim jong will not reign over you*inside joke* ;) The server will have a serious impact with this, another amazing RPer gone! you will be missed.. it is true, however i will not be saying goodbye, we.. my man will stay very good friends for a long time :) its been a pleasure to serve by your side.

I am glad you are going because then there will be no dispute over who is the best Vlad. (I was always number one)

In all honesty you were a fucking awesome rper. I would say one of the best. You will be missed by me. Good luck wherever you end up friend.
Thank you so mutch Vladic, means alot when its comming from you :)

Vlad, brother, Kim jong will not reign over you*inside joke* ;) The server will have a serious impact with this, another amazing RPer gone! you will be missed.. it is true, however i will not be saying goodbye, we.. my man will stay very good friends for a long time :) its been a pleasure to serve by your side.
We will definitly not say goodbye! And I look forward to whatever we will face together in the future :)

It's been nice seeing the Vagin brothers around. I recall when I had maby 12 PLF in a bunker telling a story a long time ago and you and Nikolai were the two people I started the story with. Good bye and good luck. Also it seems I'm always left out of these goodbyes for some reason. *shrugs*

It's been nice seeing the Vagin brothers around. I recall when I had maby 12 PLF in a bunker telling a story a long time ago and you and Nikolai were the two people I started the story with. Good bye and good luck. Also it seems I'm always left out of these goodbyes for some reason. *shrugs*
ohh wow, how coud I forget!

That was 1 epic hour with a touching story!

You made me silent for one hour! And you shoud get a award for that, my mouth is usually non stop :p

God this actually brought a tear to my eye. I dont play arma much more due to IRL stuff but knowing that you are leaving makes me really sad. I always had a blast playing with you.

But i wish you all luck my friend and its been an honor playing with you.

You were one hell of a RP er man. I talked a lot with you and you were a kind man. Wish you good luck

Awww. Bye, you were awesome and I got a selfie during a robbery.

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