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VOTE PASSED - Mass Unban (Restrictions will apply)

Shall we wipe the slate clean

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Why are staff asking questions on this thread, don't you guys talk to each other? 😕
Because they are part of this community as well? They have their vote and their questions as well. Their questions and answers also offer us more clarity to the options without it being all hush hush we are staff mustn't speak in front of the members. So don't really know why you commented that tbh "😕


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Because they are part of this community as well? They have their vote and their questions as well. Their questions and answers also offer us more clarity to the options. So don't really know why you commented that tbh "😕
Because surely if they have any questions, they can go and ask the people at the top directly. Don't need to resort to using the forums to ask them.

One of the major issues a lot of people have had is being shut out of community decisions and the lack of transparency. their first transparent action and someone complains lmao!

Because surely if they have any questions, they can go and ask the people at the top directly. Don't need to resort to using the forums to ask them.
Aren’t they allowed there own say on the forums they aren’t just staff they are part of the community aswell and are entitled to say what they feel wether it be on the forums or not 

@Reylark They had there time to ask questions and raise objections yesterday in the discord rooms, Due to the thread for the community this is moving fast so the staff members not around or still with questions decided to ask here in public, I do not see that as an issue ?

@Reylark They had there time to ask questions and raise objections yesterday in the discord rooms, Due to the thread for the community this is moving fast so the staff members not around or still with questions decided to ask here in public, I do not see that as an issue ?
Fair play for a decent response, I was just wondering why they were doing it on here that's all.

I think if you're open to suggestion and actually happy to change, you'll fill your servers again.

I noticed earlier that you declined an unban request from someone who is an admin on another community. I assume they were banned originally for advertising, which is fair enough, but surely being an admin somewhere else doesn't warrant a ban from here if you are following the rules? People like to move around from server to server.

Because surely if they have any questions, they can go and ask the people at the top directly. Don't need to resort to using the forums to ask them.
Aren’t they allowed there own say on the forums they aren’t just staff they are part of the community aswell and are entitled to say what they feel wether it be on the forums or not 

@Reylark You are very much mistaken, they were declined as they advertised while they was an admin on that server, My staff team here will know that would be the end of there time on Roleplay UK if they did that elsewhere, Its a shitty thing to do and it shows you the quality of what others allow.

While that person is still in the same position as he was the day he advertised then its not going to be considered for an unban let alone an appeal, In regards to these votes. it has not been decided if the "advertisers" will come under an unban, So i refer you to my reply in that appeal.

Have them fill out a form on the forum with some tick boxes, RPUK ID etc and have it actioned ad-hoc by the team would be a good way of going about. At least that shows a willingness to get back on.

 Who this will not apply to

Anyone banned for the following

  • Hacks/Cheats/Scripting
  • Threats to the server, community or staff team
  • Severe cases of Racism, Harassment or bullying.
  • Some 1.6 Bans (Some of these players have displayed they do not want to be part of RPUK)
Out of interest, if this is implemented - roughly how many of the 30000 odd steam-IDs do you think will be unbanned, excluding those that fall into these four categories?

This is very early doors, While the vote is taking place some work has been done and so far 2 lists have been made

Around 1100+ people to be sorted through in the 1.6 ban reason and over 2000+ (its still being worked on) in the hacker camp which wont be reviewed/unbanned

However these are rough numbers and are likely to increase

All these votes are very interesting.

I remember RPUK being that server that is very strict on rules and as such made a good place so people could find the best quality RP on Arma.

I welcome the lift and the new banning process. I just hope RPUK can keep its reputation.

Why should I obey the rules if whenever the server starts severely lacking people I'll get unbanned almost effortlessly?

Should not those who play accordingly keep their safe environment free of rule breakers?

Should different criteria by applied to people who have been banned just because the server is struggling? Those who broke rules previously had to appeal the ban, showing how we regret it and also showing how we understood what we did wrong. What guarantees will you have that they will not break rules again? Is it worth taking the risk of having all of those rule breakers who either did not appeal (showing that they want to come back) or got denied (that supposedly means they are not fit to play the server according to staff criteria) back on the server just for numbers? Have you considered the fact that because all of these you could lose a part of the community that has respected the rules and be stuck with the rule breakers?

I believe that the current system is the most appropriate to keep the community clean. If they want to get back to play on this server they will appeal, if they are fit to get back they will get unbanned. I don't think that just because the server is been struggling the criteria should be changed.

Everything has an end, Arma is coming to it's own... Embrace it.

Everything has an end, Arma is coming to it's own... Embrace it.
Arma 3 won't be coming till an end until the next game drops. That's how the franchise has worked so far.

I played several thousand hours on arma 2 roleplay servers, they faced similar problems to what we're facing now but made it through. These communities didn't die until arma 3 came out.

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Vote passed

Already some prep work has been done to make sure hackers and some of the worst toxic players (Players that have completely burned bridges with extreme cases of racism, abuse to staff, threats to staff etc) are not in the mass unban.

This vote will be implemented once community vote #1 is fully in place, for now permanent appeals will not be looked at or considered.

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