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Wardrobe like options in clothing shop for example putting on saved outfits


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary:

Basically to have the option to pick "your favourite / saved outfits in clothing shops" . Would help the whole hospital situation and just go simply to a clothing shop to return to an outfit basically, its not something needed, just an ease of life option for some people

Detailed Suggestion:

You are in the middle of going to an RP situation, you don't wear a safety belt cause you are an idiot , you have to go to hospital , you eventually come out of bed, in your gown and you have all your boys outside hospital waiting for you to continue to go to this scenario, instead of going the whole way to your house / safe house, you can go to a clothing store and pick a saved outfit from the store.

The Pros:

Ease of life

Returning to things a lot sooner

Makes things simpler for some people

Saves time.

The Cons:

Dev work for just an ease of life thing to do not really a major thing needed in the server really.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No, but if @Paintdevs it, he might break the server and it will change the balance.

And before people say why would a shop have your wardrobe? you can still pay , and RP it as "going to your favourite clothing section" , we all have the same multiple coloured t shirts IRL 😉
