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Warning to all players !


The Flexer
Lifetime Donator
So how can I put this....

Well I played as a medic last night but after it I planed something last night planing to cause trouble and rob people but it was my first ever time that I had flown a heli.

so I got the hell and I went to the rebel outpost to get my gear I must of spent about 400000 on gear so I got in the heli and crashed into my friend who bought gear as well so we both lost our gear and a lot of money 

Attention - I suck a flying a heli so of your with me never let me drive.

Don't worry matey, takes practise.

dysliexi and patchwork have some informative flight advice, I advise you look at their sussinct material.

However I have made one which you can find here. Youtube isn't my bag - I'm not really camera friendlybut here you'll see I cover off a lot of topics and techniques in 20minutes which im sure will help in your experience and game play.

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I tend to fly advanced (Rotorlib) as I use proper control surfaces, but this was more a response to support new pilots for a community i do missions with.

Anyway if if you watch it, I know it will help, and good luck in becoming more comfortable at piloting. 

My next video will be on how to wait at the Altis taxi rank for hours for customers and to be robbed. ;) its going to be edge of your seat stuff. 



Heheh, reminds me of the old days. 
Hummingbird with me and 5 fully geared Marmite Miners chasing a stolen truck.

Drunk Ash (Pilot): "I'll get low and scare them to turn left"...
iexus: "Watch out for that lamp post though".
Drunk Ash (Pilot): "What lamp post?"

And so Drunk Ash was never allowed to pilot again after losing about £2.5 million in gear in about 30 seconds.

Sounds like the first time I pulled my Humming bird out the Airport dealer. Shift = Up he said it will be fine he said. 

You're probably not as bad as @Haywire
Y'know what. Not even gonna react. Just gonna leave you with this video I made for you:

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*yes, I made this video for the sole purpose of replying to your comment*

6 minutes ago, Haywire said:

Y'know what. Not even gonna react. Just gonna leave you with this video I made for you:

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I have no words
