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Weapon + scope combo


Well-known member
Hey guys, just thought I'd post this here for a possible discussion.

I prefer to use the MXM because the recoil is great, plus it looks sexy in black.

Now I have a question about scopes, I use the ARCO because I like that can you use it close range and long range. I find it slightly in accurate at long range though, for example I can use the MRCO perfectly fine at long range but with the ARCO my aim is slightly off. Maybe I'm using it wrong so if anyone can give me advice on that, it would be greatly appreciated.

RCO, it has both and its black aswell

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Yeah, carrying multiple scopes is a good thing to do, I used to do that when I played on wasteland, but I carried long range and mid-low range scopes as opposed to the MRCO and holo sight combo you mentioned. Generally speaking I prefer the MRCO or RCO. MRCO is best for mid to "long" range (to a given value of the word long. If you want to cover all ranges you have to carry like 3 scopes :D

DMS does long and short range. Hip fire for cqb and mrco for long/mid range night. Wish there was some lrco or sos xD

I would say MRCO, but thinking of my current economical situation


I change a lot, my favourite is DMS. But it's so expensive. In general all the weapons scopes are good, apart from short-range only which makes no-sense to me when you can have one which does both.
