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What happened to all the sounds ?


Well-known member
We live in a tropical island, In freaking Tanoa, in somewhere south pacific ... We have from rain to fog to thunderstorms.

Visuals, RICH landscape, atmosphere, it has everything the dry desert Altis has been missing ... but now Tanoa is ... missing sound.

What happened to that thunder ? ...
What happened to sound of rain ? ...
What happened to sound of wind ? ...

Why are they gone ?

Were they removed just to squeeze few more fps out of the system.

It used to be open and it made everything so much more intense.
Please, Dont destroy beautiful nature of Tanoa, Bring back Audio.

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I have to agree, love the weather system but feels odd with no sound. @Neo

Its removed to give the potato computers a fair chance to load half of georgetown ;)

I think Tanoa will be amazing if the sounds of the jungle wildlife and weather audio was added. Would just make the experiance so much better.

I have played some Wasteland Tanoa and its honestly so nice running through the forest listening to the animals and the weather around you

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Please can we have them restored, I want to sit inside my car and hear the rain on the roof, I want to hear the thunder and experience full on storms while walking through the jungle.   Sound is 50% of the experience, so we really need it back :)

The sounds have never been in our Tanoa just as they are not in Altis (no one has noticed that!)

We will look into this... but enabling the environment brings enabling the fish... and for some people this will mean not being able to play/time for that pc upgrade!

The sounds have never been in our Tanoa just as they are not in Altis (no one has noticed that!)

We will look into this... but enabling the environment brings enabling the fish... and for some people this will mean not being able to play/time for that pc upgrade!
I take it there's no way to disable it on the local side? 

Tell you what, @Wilco - you add the ambient audio environment back in, and I will look at adding a toggle-option in the Y-Settings sub-menu.

It may even be possible to add individual settings for the ambient animals vs the ambient noises - I will look into it.

I have always felt that Tanoa feels rather sterile for a jungle environment, and would rather have the sounds in, than out. Not so bothered about the fish and birds, but we'll see. If the potato owners had the option to 'potato-peel' the game back to their level of need, then I don't think we'd have many problems from them, and the rest of us would have one more reason to love Tanoa over Altis.

I have seen other servers that had the option to mute ambient sounds in a menu. It would be great if we could get that as well!

Tell you what, @Wilco - you add the ambient audio environment back in, and I will look at adding a toggle-option in the Y-Settings sub-menu.

It may even be possible to add individual settings for the ambient animals vs the ambient noises - I will look into it.

I have always felt that Tanoa feels rather sterile for a jungle environment, and would rather have the sounds in, than out. Not so bothered about the fish and birds, but we'll see. If the potato owners had the option to 'potato-peel' the game back to their level of need, then I don't think we'd have many problems from them, and the rest of us would have one more reason to love Tanoa over Altis.
I'll buy you a virtual pint in that bar on the mountain if this happens :D

I will sacrifice not just one but two hobo's to Asmin allmighty if this happens! If it works, ofcourse we have to admit that it was His hand guiding you Ed, so it is only fair we show Him our gratitude!

Get sacrificing, bitches! :) As of 8pm, there is now a toggle in the Settings menu, so you can turn Ambient Environment on or off, according to the speed of your potato.

Look hard enough, and you'll also find there is a new animation that allows you to take a piss. Pissing on the cops is not yet regarded as a negative XP activity... so fill your boots while you can! :)
