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What is a GUID?


Active member
My google-fu is not really helping me out here.  I have done searches on various things and seen unban requests requiring a GUID.  What is a GUID and how do I find it on a Windows 10 machine?  Thanks for helping out a tech-feeble person.

Go on the stats page :  https://stats.roleplay.co.uk

type you're IN GAME name, and your stats should come up (steam id, Guid, Player id, money, licenses, etc. there is some issues at the moment so the stats won't load but it should be up soon. 

Thanks for the answers and how to find the information, that is really helpful!  What a great community when you don't trash on someone for not being as good with google or server functions as a more experienced player!  I really think I will stick around for a while!
