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What would I have to upgrade to stop texture loss and falling through the map?


Well-known member
Fudge Lane
I have issues on FiveM where moving too fast can cause my game to stop rendering the environment, I know this is likely due to my bad PC specs but I was wondering if anyone could guide me on which spec actually causes this happen. I think it likely is my processor since it's the weak link of my build and I was meant to replace it ages ago but never went around to it. I would to hear an opinion from someone who is more well versed in this than me. My specs are:

  • AMD Athlon 200GE
  • 16GB RAM
  • NVidia GeForce GTX 1650

My GTA is stored on a HDD, and in case it matters my internet goes around 50mbps download and 17mbps upload.

Store GTA and FiveM on an SSD preferably the same SSD for both, that GTX 1650 maybe bottlenecking depending on your monitor and that AMD Athlon is outdate, i'd start with the cheapest which is an SSD and then go for CPU or GPU, your RAM is fine at 16GB albeit not futureproof

From what I’ve experienced texture loss and falling through the map for me occurs when my CPU Maxes out. I’ve found a temporary fix by setting the priority of FiveM to High and setting the affinity to use only 2 Cores of my CPU. However you do have to do this every time you load FiveM which is a pain but it’s a temporary fix for now.

From what I’ve experienced texture loss and falling through the map for me occurs when my CPU Maxes out. I’ve found a temporary fix by setting the priority of FiveM to High and setting the affinity to use only 2 Cores of my CPU. However you do have to do this every time you load FiveM which is a pain but it’s a temporary fix for now.
I've tried that solution, but when I did the effect was only slightly helpful and slowed down portions of the UI like the interaction wheel
