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When you dont read the rules.

I did giggle, when he said that he have 3 snipers on the hill. 

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How are you talking to them. ON TEAMSPEAK lol idiots 

How are you talking to them. ON TEAMSPEAK lol idiots 
just leaving this here... 

[SIZE=20.01976776123047px]3H)[/SIZE][SIZE=20.01976776123047px] Restraining & Zipties[/SIZE]

[SIZE=20.01976776123047px]If you have been restrained or Ziptied you are no longer able to use any communication to contact your friends or gang members, This includes: group chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of communication.[/SIZE]

I should have put the rest in. his mate come down the hill and gonna totally rekted by some other dude :D

How are you speaking to them? On Teamspeak! lol brilliant

I wouldn't consider this against the rules when he's obviously lying.. I mean, he hasn't REALLY contacted his three sniper friends on that hill and yes I can pretty confidently assume that there are indeed no snipers on that hill. 

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I wouldn't consider this against the rules when he's obviously lying.. I mean, he hasn't REALLY contacted his three sniper friends on that hill and yes I can pretty confidently assume that there are indeed no snipers on that hill. 

Kaden actually said in the thread that he he a mate that come down the hill

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I wouldn't consider this against the rules when he's obviously lying.. I mean, he hasn't REALLY contacted his three sniper friends on that hill and yes I can pretty confidently assume that there are indeed no snipers on that hill. 
I'll pretend i didnt see this

Kaden actually said in the thread that he he a mate that come down the hill Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Doesn't prove anything neither does it add anything to counter act my argument.

I'll pretend i didnt see this
Could you clarify that argument? Where does OP tell us he has three sniper friends that were supposed to shoot in four seconds?

Doesn't prove anything neither does it add anything to counter act my argument.

Could you clarify that argument? Where does OP tell us he has three sniper friends that were supposed to shoot in four seconds?
You cant use comms when you are restrained. Puppy left the rule above check that out 

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You cant use comms when you are in restrained. Puppy left the rule above check that out 
Nowhere in the video you mentioned points to the fact that he in any way contacted his "three sniper friends" via teamspeak. If that had been the case all the police in the original video would've been dead after he had counted down his four seconds.

Nowhere in the video you mentioned points to the fact that he in any way contacted his "three sniper friends" via teamspeak. If that had been the case all the police in the original video would've been dead after he had counted down his four seconds.
Im speechless for all the wrong reasons...
