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Who Owns This Thing Then?


Greetings, Citizens of Altis.

My name is Mattadee and I currently live in the centre of Galati, right next to a T junction. On this junction, one will find a large, yellow house, a small yellow house and a garage. Currently, I own both houses. But I'm missing the 3 piece of my collection; the garage! I'll stick some screenshots below, and if you, the owner, would like to make a fortune off of me in exchange for your vehicle storage facility, then please contact me either via a message or in the comments.



Regards; Matt.

Perhaps you could get someone from the Police to help you out and tell you the owner of the house.

Thanks Ben. I did go to the Police but in the interests of roleplay they refused to tell me. Although, Tampax! Good to see you :) What am I going to be needing to take the property off of you?

Thanks Ben. I did go to the Police but in the interests of roleplay they refused to tell me. Although, Tampax! Good to see you :) What am I going to be needing to take the property off of you?
First thing you need to do is find the actual owner, I don't live here...
