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Why the ban system needs to change..

Dragon!! Long time no seen man!

Good to see you again.

Anw.. back to topic.

I agree with the current system as its easy, stricked and fast if needed.

I can understand your idea as sometimes its 'unfair' to get banned for something small BUT.. if its something small its easy to fix. just make a unban appeal. 

The main reason is to keep control and Force the players to understand the rules.

The amount of people we encounter ( much as everyone els ) as cop that dont understand the rules is one's a day. 

In the weekend its the complete weekend we are trying to get new members to the rules page. Easy sayt its to much for staff to deal with the minor and bug rule breakers.

The norm is easy and controlled, you do the crime you sit your time.

About people loosing there control and rage over chat or stuf.. well a known player of the community knows that there are many hobos and there are many rules breakers so they should know its part of the community. 

If they cant handel it and rage they are to late. They had to log off earlier. 

As police officer i get headshot quite much. I go play KOTH or something els. I will not be on RP UK untill im cooled off. 

Its there responsibility to keep controle. If they lose it. They are 'breaking' the rules just as much as the person that made them lose there minds. 

Again i can understand what you mean but this community is just to big to deal with small things anymore.
I understand that completely :) But if you take a look at much bigger communities (communities that see 10-20k members on their servers everyday) systems like this are in place. That's actually where I got the idea from, for example if you break a chat offense the punishment would be a mute and if you break a game offense the punishment would be a ban. 

Although I gotta admit, if I had known about the 3 month rule I wouldn't have made this post. I was more concerned for people who were getting permanently banned for small things such as this but seeing as that isn't the case anymore I don't really have a problem.

I still think that the way admins respond to minor offenders could be improved, but everyone is going to have their own ideas and opinions.

What your saying actualy kinda happend to me , i dont even really know if i can talk about it here but ill take the risk just because i want my story out 

i was on this server for a pretty long time and always fun i always was chilling at the kavala police station alot of police member knew me because i was always hanging out there i made friends there and it was just fun i enjoyed the server and the only thing i did was just chilling and meeting new people but one day i came online and i was walking but HONESTLY i didnt know my mic was on so i said something 'racist' and i got banned instantly , first of all i didnt say it  directly to anyone and second im not racist alot of my friends are forgneirs AND i hate racism i dont care if people dont believe me but its the truth so i got banned for that and when i made my FIRST appeal i got a perm ban 

Sorry for my bad english 

Ps the staff member who banned me got banned himself too and when a friend of my told my story to  a couple of support members they laughed en said it was a bad reason .

I think the current system is very good, I have been banned before, simply for the reasons stated and the 3 month system saved me, not broke a rule since

I understand that completely :) But if you take a look at much bigger communities (communities that see 10-20k members on their servers everyday) systems like this are in place. That's actually where I got the idea from, for example if you break a chat offense the punishment would be a mute and if you break a game offense the punishment would be a ban. 

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Dont see how were not a "big community"

Our ban system has evolved, but even when I've given warnings, and always reference them to go look at roleplay.co.uk/rules, I still find them breaking rules. The three month rule and permanent ban appeal were added based on community feedback as opposed to the old system of one and done.

I think its fine the way it is. Oh some of those other "Bigger communities" are ones I've seen where they do time out bans. The quality of them can be quite shitty with "hands up or die" roleplay. 

Come on, it does not make sense to equate a minor offense to a huge offense and call it fair! its like a real life prison cell that contains a juvenile who stole a snack-bar and a serial killer who was on a killing spree of 50!

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Dont see how were not a "big community"

Our ban system has evolved, but even when I've given warnings, and always reference them to go look at roleplay.co.uk/rules, I still find them breaking rules. The three month rule and permanent ban appeal were added based on community feedback as opposed to the old system of one and done.

I think its fine the way it is. Oh some of those other "Bigger communities" are ones I've seen where they do time out bans. The quality of them can be quite shitty with "hands up or die" roleplay. 
Oh, I wasn't referring to other altis life communities. 

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Dont see how were not a "big community"

Our ban system has evolved, but even when I've given warnings, and always reference them to go look at roleplay.co.uk/rules, I still find them breaking rules. The three month rule and permanent ban appeal were added based on community feedback as opposed to the old system of one and done.

I think its fine the way it is. Oh some of those other "Bigger communities" are ones I've seen where they do time out bans. The quality of them can be quite shitty with "hands up or die" roleplay. 
Hands up or die roleplay you're refering to happens on RPUK more than any altis life server i played lol

Correct, but the after ban procedure isnt as strong as the ban system itself, the appealing staff are taking it super slow, thus appeals stack alot! especially cuz bans are thrown left and right which is "effective". maybe the bans need to tone down a notch or increase the number of people working on appeals? (its just an opinion i hope i dont get targeted)

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I swore at someone for breaking roleplay out of anger and im still banned 3 days later begging and working hard to be unbanned! it was immediate and effective! correct, but the after ban procedure isnt as strong as the ban system itself, the appealing staff are taking it super slow, thus appeals stack alot! especially cuz bans are thrown left and right which is "effective". maybe the bans need to tone down a notch or increase the number of people working on appeals? (its just an opinion i hope i dont get targeted)
Honestly I think the appeal system is really good. I got unbanned after a few days and I expected to be waiting a week or two..plus I don't think appeals should be a priority.

I just think that staff should make an effort to give players a warning or talk to them before banning rather than having the mindset of "You should be thankful we even looked at you because usually we just ban you the moment we sense you're doing something wrong". Like honestly..if someone is blatantly RDM'ing or something then ban them but in many situations it can't hurt to just talk to someone.

I mean I have seen a few cases when people have been breaking roleplay or something and the admin teleports in and tells them to stop and directs them to the rules. The player then apologised and stopped..eh it's just nice to give someone the benefit of the doubt because everyone seems to be trying to get one another banned on here.

Honestly I think the appeal system is really good. I got unbanned after a few days and I expected to be waiting a week or two..plus I don't think appeals should be a priority.

I just think that staff should make an effort to give players a warning or talk to them before banning rather than having the mindset of "You should be thankful we even looked at you because usually we just ban you the moment we sense you're doing something wrong". Like honestly..if someone is blatantly RDM'ing or something then ban them but in many situations it can't hurt to just talk to someone.

I mean I have seen a few cases when people have been breaking roleplay or something and the admin teleports in and tells them to stop and directs them to the rules. The player then apologised and stopped..eh it's just nice to give someone the benefit of the doubt because everyone seems to be trying to get one another banned on here.
So the system is fine but the approach isnt, i wish this happened to me, a warning would be nice and calm me down cuz it was a really bad day that lead to the event XD!
