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Wish to change name but cant.

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Community Banned
Wales, UK
Apparently I cant change it anymore. I only want to change it one mroe time.

I am requesting a one off name change from an admin, please don't tell me to wait 30 days before an admin replies.

@Vinc3nt You have 3 name changes on the forum per 30 days. There is no real reason to give you another namechange, your current name is not offensive or anything so it doesn't NEED to change. Ofcourse if you want another name thats fine, but you will have to wait untill the thirty days are over to be able to change it again.

Kind regards,

Khandamir, ALUK Server mentor

Sorry, I didnt mean to come across as rude , but if the name change cant be done it's fine :p

However I am changing my name in game

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