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Wushy (Action: Ban Issued 13/10/2014)

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):   Wushy

Time & Date this happened: 13:10    10.12.2014

Description of what happened:  Got rdm´d few minutes after i started patroling

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:  NO!

> Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:  NO!

I tried to resolve it with you many many times, but you kept saying in a childish manner that i was going to be banned.

> Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:  NO!

I tried to resolve it with you many many times, but you kept saying in a childish manner that i was going to be banned.
that is blatent RDM, So do you have any reason for doing it? this is you opportunity to put your side forward.

What is there to be resolved? That was RDM in its purest form and you most probably are going to be banned.

I still don't think a ban is needed. I know what I did wrong, I am already a long-time member of this server, a medic training officer, and was previously a cop. I really don't think a ban is necessary.

I still don't think a ban is needed. I know what I did wrong, I am already a long-time member of this server, a medic training officer, and was previously a cop. I really don't think a ban is necessary.
What? Did I just red that?

I still don't think a ban is needed. I know what I did wrong, I am already a long-time member of this server, a medic training officer, and was previously a cop. I really don't think a ban is necessary.
All this makes me think is... shouldn't he know better then?

Its clear he is not looking for anyone and just on patrol

Clear RDM, Ban Issued

61bc18651b93f3557a81b488bdddf310 -1 Wushy - Forum Report 13/10/2014

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