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Yellow Jacks


Well-known member
Brief Summary:

Make Yellow Jacks a business in the city.

Detailed Suggestion:

The Fallen Angels MC currently have keys to the upper part of Yellow Jacks which they have received from The Lost MC after they bought it from them in RP.

We are suggesting to have the first floor turn into a working bar with the name Yellow Jacks that a member of The Fallen Angels MC would be running. 

We are of course willing to pay the Chamber of Commerce for this.

Yellow Jacks 1st Floor:

Lockable Doors

ATM outside or inside Yellowjacks

Usable Jukebox for downstairs


Make the bartender PED intractable as the Shop


Make the Cash Register intractable as Manage Shop


Make the storage room usable to make food / smoothies


Make the public Pay Phone outside usable


Add a bar icon for Yellow Jacks


Yellow Jacks 2nd Floor:

Increase hitbox for interacting with the Upstairs Jukebox


Keep the doors for the F6 like it is currently


The first floor would be a bar and all the doors downstairs will be connected to Yellow Jacks.

The second floor would be accessible for F6 members of The Fallen Angels MC

Info for CoC:
Frank, 789-965

The Pros:

More businesses in sandy other then just fuel stations and convenient stores, this would be the first restaurant in Sandy also.

Would be better roleplay that you could go inside and buy something to drink instead of us just being outside and bragging alcohol from a box.

The Cons:

Dev work

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I wouldn't say so, it will add a bar in sandy but it wouldn't change any balance of the marked that I can think off. 

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I know there's an ATM at Flywheels down the road, but having one here if it does open as a business would be handy too.
