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You were kicked of the game

This is weird. Best person to speak to in my opinio  is DJ. Message me on ts tmrw and ill drag you into djs room to try and sort it... must be annoying af

Okay thanks

KOTH works for me 
The only thing I could suggest is ping, someone can correct me if im wrong but I believe server 2 doesn't have a stricter ping limit than server 1, so maybe try server 2 

The only thing I could suggest is ping, someone can correct me if im wrong but I believe server 2 doesn't have a stricter ping limit than server 1, so maybe try server 2 
will wait for it to be open and ill test

I get kicked only from rpuk around once every 2 hours, no other server does it, just this one. So i also have the issue

How high is your ping while playing? If it's over a certain number I can't fully remember might have been 200 (feel free to correct me). It will kick you due to having too high ping. So that's also a thing to consider
