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Young and Old


Sheffield, UK
Just wondering who is the youngest and oldest regular players on the server... I am fairly old at 38

I just turned 16 so not the youngest but not the oldest either

I'm 12, turning 13 in a couple of months, one of the youngest on the server, but probably the youngest of the cops.

EDIT: Have a very low voice, so pride myself on not being a squeaker XD. Hope to make it quite high in the cops. Try to act above my age, don't know if it works...

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I'm 12, turning 13 in a couple of months, one of the youngest on the server, but probably the youngest of the cops.

EDIT: Have a very low voice, so pride myself on not being a squeaker XD. Hope to make it quite high in the cops. Try to act above my age, don't know if it works...
1. You are very mature for your age joe.

And also if you do act your age, dont be ashamed - your only acting your age...

2. Im 16 🤙

I'm 12, turning 13 in a couple of months, one of the youngest on the server, but probably the youngest of the cops.

EDIT: Have a very low voice, so pride myself on not being a squeaker XD. Hope to make it quite high in the cops. Try to act above my age, don't know if it works...
Well you come across as someone very mature and a good addition to the police so good on you!

Imma 15 yr old pig .

Some call me Tina @Nalurah, some call me Tommeh, some call me INS Anonymous Capybara.

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