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Yuri (Rejected - Lack of evidence)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
25/03/2015 02:27am and 03:00am
Which Server did this happen on:
Server #1
Description of what happened:
First event: Asked to put our hands up by a bloke in the middle of nowhere, asked for a warning shot and both myself and CSO Shifty Barry were killed outright. 
Second event: Exactly the same situation asked to put hands on our head by a hobo with a backpack and then get shots from all directions. They were fair to fire as we had refused to surrender but they then took CSO Shifty Barry hostage. Twice in one night was too much I'm afraid.
Officers involved with the second shootout:
SGT McTavish
PCSO McLaren
PCSO Droge Worst
CSO Gluttony
CSO Shifty Barry
What Rule Was Broken ?:
RDM + Using CSO as bait/hostage
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Not on Teamspeak
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

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We were 5-6 guys my friend come near you and told you to put your hands up you are surrounded you got 15 seconds and you didnt raise it up at road block so we start shooting while your guns was up at our friend head.

A warning shot is usually aimed somewhere at the ground though, and there's usually only one of em.

Also doesn't excuse killing an unarmed CSO, and then later taking him hostage (your name popped up in the death reports as your group attacked us).

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Annoying as it is for RDM/poor rp we really need video evidence to issue bans.

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