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Zotlex is back!

☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬

Well-known member
Hello APUK!

For the ones who don´t know who I am, so would I like to Introduce myself!
My name i Zotlex and I am 20years old and did play on this community for almost a year before I got banned (link below) :( 
I was one of the Leaders of one of the biggest gang (on my time) N.L.A National Liberation Army, I had a realy nice time and hopefully it will me this fun again!

So for the one who know me, I just wanna say HELLO again, and nice to see you all! And all other I am happy to see you out there!


*Maybe N.L.A will do a reunion? who knows? So hold your eyes open 😉

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