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Explosive object in MRPD?

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Staff Team
Staff Team
I was driving into the MRPD garage this evening at some speed and crashed into the tool box looking objects in the garage which caused an explosion, blowing my vehicle and myself up. Assuming this is a bug? Not sure what caused it to blow up as there is defo no petrol cannisters there...

Wasn't recording at the time, don't really feel like doing it again xD


  • Facepalm
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I was driving into the MRPD garage this evening at some speed and crashed into the tool box looking objects in the garage which caused an explosion
Noting you said "at some speed and crashed" I wouldn't really class this as a bug, you shouldn't drive into a toolkit bench thing at high speeds as you don't know what could be inside the drawers 👀

Fair enough, ngl I was going atleast 30mph into that LMAO 

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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