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Unban Appeal - MavericksDead - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for MavericksDead 

In-game Name: Jim Runner

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199249750928

Ban ID: !!rpuk13525!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1, C1.8, C1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for sending a friend a screenshot of the title of a confidential document. This is classed as metagaming as it could have been brought into game and ruined potentially good RP. Thankfully it was not brought in game but despite that it was a silly thing to send no matter the reason.

Why should we unban you ?: I would never intentionally do anything to hurt the server as over the past year and a half (?) the server has brought me so much enjoyment as well as introduce me to a community full of wonderful people. I started off joining the server with a group of friends a single time where I think I got arrested for selling drugs and the RP provided to me was of such a high quality which I had not seen before on any other server. This lead to me sticking it out and the legendary Jim Runner began a life of crime. I then joined Autocare (RIP) and found my friend group. Throughout my 10ish months there I found my calling and provided high quality roleplay for all. Whether it be mechanic jobs, the racing scene, or random stuff we got up to I would always provide the best RP I could. I then had a situation where I was not happy with the standard of the roleplay from a police officer so I then decided to create a new character. Throughout my time in the police force on this server I have always been a vocal advocate for police going along with RP and making situations enjoyable for those involved. Admittedly, I may have been pol-coms biggest headache but I like to think I was a good roleplayer on both police characters I had. On Jim Runner I am now in hustlers where again, I always try to make interesting and fun scenarios. I think anyone that has come into contact with any of my characters will be able to vouch that I will always go along with the RP and there is rarely a situation with me which isn't wacky and creative/interesting. I think it was stuart himself who said to me in VC that it was good to see hustlers back again and providing high quality RP. I believe I should be unbanned as I have shown in my time on the server and in this appeal that I am here for fun, RP, and would never purposefully do anything against the rules for personal gain. This was a gigantic mistake on my end and I will accept the consequences that was explained to me in the ticket (12 month police blacklist) as it is completely justified given my actions. I would also like to re-iterate what I said in the ticket in that this is the only time this has occurred as I was searching in my personal google drive and the file came up as recommended. I then took the screenshot and sent it to the person. It was a 'look what just popped up lol', not a 'you need to act on this' as you will be able to see in logs nothing was taken into RP. Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Can you post a screenshot of the DMs and what you sent?

Hi liam mate thanks for the swift reply, unfortunately I deleted the messages not long after they were sent (Think I mentioned it in the ticket) as I knew it was wrong straight after. If wanted I can post a photo of how it came up on my drive (won’t be the exact file as I deleted all things like that from my drive)

See, the thing is.. I’ve seen the message that was sent and what you sent. Which wasn’t just the title, rather the first page of the CID Raid Warrant which held a lot of information.

Did you know that the raid on that person resulted in nothing due to your message?

I sent the title page (first page), and he told me nothing was acted on within RP which I trust. I apologise for my being vague, and I will be completely transparent with you. I honestly believe that he did not take any action on the information. If anything was acted on then it is unknown to me as he assured me it wasn't. As I said earlier, I removed the screenshot promptly after sending it as I knew it was wrong.

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We have these rules in place to protect the hours of work people have put into their investigations.

Tell me roughly how long it takes in your experience to get a warrant approved to action a raid?
Then tell me how you would feel if someone had given a tip off to the target and they in response hid their belongings.

I want you to try get into the mindset of the potential victims here.

Why do we have the protection of CID intel? In your own words.

Tell me roughly how long it takes in your experience to get a warrant approved to action a raid?
In my time in CID I know first hand how much effort, roleplay, and time it takes. Huge amounts. 

Then tell me how you would feel if someone had given a tip off to the target and they in response hid their belongings.
I would be extremely annoyed as it essentially ruins and invalidates all of the work put in. Looking back on my actions I can see if I was on the other end I would extremely disappointed and annoyed at whoever shared the intel. In the time that I have been banned I have reflected on my actions and deeply regret them. 

Why do we have the protection of CID intel? In your own words
The protection of CID intel is in place to stop intel being leaked and ruining the chance for some high quality roleplay. It is protected to prevent metagaming where people see the intel and decide to act on it in game.

You acknowledge that if you were to return you would have an extremely hard time EVER getting access to information like this again.

Tell me your plans for your character IF we were to unban you.
I'm a sucker for detail so as much as possible please 🙂 

Hi @PsianaRama, my main character is Jim Runner.

My character entered the city as a mechanic and got a job at autocare where he became a car salesman there where I got to meet lots of the community and make some amazing friends. Whilst at autocare I got involved in the more illegal side of the city. After leaving Autocare jim has now become a gang member, first in coalition and now his current gang, hustlers. If I were to be unbanned I would like to make my character into someone that appears legal but gets into the 'shady' business behind the scenes. I think the next step for my character would be to save up for a business to use as a legal front. I want to go this way with my character because I believe there is a lot of high quality roleplay which I have not yet explored in that area. I think there are new people for meet and new things for my character to discover. If unbanned I wish to continue providing high quality roleplay to others with the hustlers to people around the city.  Another avenue of roleplay I would like to explore on my character is the racing scene. When I was in autocare I used to do a lot of racing with the crew, but the scene sort of died out. Recently (past month) a few more races have popped up which I have been attending as well as our in-gang races in hustlers (which I won both of btw :p). I want to dive further into the racing scene on my character as I really enjoy the secrecy of some races as well as there always being the risk of police intervention which can lead to some of the best chases which I have experienced on the server. 
Sorry I wasn't able to write more but im not great with writing.

Cheers 🙂

Hello Maverick.

You were spoken by staff, specifically regarding meta gaming only three months prior to your ban. 

Did you not learn nothing from this?
Did staff waste their time on you back then and if so; are you wasting our time now? 

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Hi @Drexthanks for the reply. 

No staff did not waste their time on me back then I wasn't thinking and it didn't enter my mind that this would be metagaming even if it wasn't taken into RP. Since being banned I have fully read the rules again and I completely understand how my actions were wrong. 

I am not wasting your time now and if I were to be unbanned nothing of the sort would ever happen again. You have my word.

You have my word.
Why did it need to take warnings and bans before you came to this decision? 
Why not uphold this before being banned and warned all those times..?

Hello @Drex

This is only my second ever permanent ban, my last one being when I was relatively new to the server (of course that isn’t an excuse, but it was a while ago). 

In my time on the server I would never intentionally break a rule. I am in no way using this as an excuse as I take full responsibility for my actions but these warnings and bans have all been quite spaced out which shows that I always try my best to not break any rules but of course nobody is perfect and can sometimes get caught in the moment or emotions get heated, despite it just being a game. 

Before this ban I was playing for 3-4 jours every day which had me in a bad mental state with my daily routine being: work, rpuk, eat at my pc, sleep, and repeat. Since being banned I have taken a lot of time for myself and improved my mental health by limiting myself to less time on my computer, and trying not to eat at my desk. I have been getting more sleep, and am in a better place. 
This may all seem like irrelevant waffle but it means that my mind is in a better place and I will be able to make clearer decisions and these ‘lapses in judgement’ (which I know still isn’t an excuse for my actions) will no longer happen. 

Thanks for your reply.

You say ONLY your second permanent ban, most people don't even have a warning. 

 warnings and bans have all been quite spaced out which shows that I always try my best to not break any rules
This actually shows the opposite no? You routinely break rules and either get a warning or get banned WHEN YOU GET CAUGHT. Who is to say you don't consistently break rules?

I appreciate your mental well-being however that's not our responsibility, what IS our responsibility is ensuring rules are followed.
Sending a picture of the CID database in ANY capacity is more than an easy fuck up. It takes multiple steps. Thought.

For a bit of perspective, my partner that I live with doesn't even share this information with me.
Just be honest with us because right now the story reads as you're not sorry you did it, you're sorry you got caught.

Tell us why you shared it. What was going through your mind that day.

Tell us why you shared it. What was going through your mind that day.
As I explained in the ticket, I was in my google drive in the 'shared with me' section, searching for a document (Personal, nothing to do with RPUK. I use the same email for RPUK stuff as I do as my personal email). When I typed in part of the title multiple suggestions of files came up. One of them was the file I shared. I presume this is because after my time in CID the access for that specific area of the database was not revoked. Considering it was a while back that I was in the unit and I don't recall anything ever popping up like that before when I have searched, I opened it. It was for one of my friends properties which at the time I thought it would be funny to send to him. There was never a malicious intent with it, it was just curiosity on my end. With hindsight, I should have reported the fact I could access said files to the relevant party and had the issue sorted. What I did was extremely stupid and I deeply regret my actions.

the story reads as you're not sorry you did it, you're sorry you got caught.
I am absolutely sorry that I did it. At the time I did not think how my actions could have harmed the server, which is something which I would never want to do as it has provided me with such enjoyment and a sense of community since I joined. I deeply regret my actions that day as it could have and may have harmed many peoples roleplay experience, which is something that pains me to think about. Throughout my time on the server I have always been extremely vocal about prioritising high quality roleplay over a 'win mentality'. My actions that day went against basically everything I stand for on the server. For that I deeply apologise. For the time and headache this has given staff, as well as the time this may have cost CID for it all to amount to nothing.

After reading through the replies here I am fairly appalled by your actions.

  • You shared documents that lead to a failed police raid as a direct result.
  • You delete messages because you know they were wrong to send, that is not to say that you regret sending them. You knew it was wrong but still did it anyway and then tried to cover your tracks.
  • You also added multiple emails to private documents, almost as if you wanted a backdoor if you were ever removed.

Your actions tipped the scales of fairness rather a lot. For us as staff, it would be so much more straightforward to not allow you back in as there would be no risk of you continuing to break our rules and try to get away with it behind our backs.

Focusing on the last point can you run me through your thought process when adding yourself to private police documents on multiple email accounts?

You delete messages because you know they were wrong to send, that is not to say that you regret sending them.
Hi lunar, thanks for the reply. I most certainly do regret sending them. As I previously mentioned, my entire time on the server I have always tries to provide the highest quality roleplay I could, and never play for the ‘win’. Me sending that screenshot completely went against this and I deeply regret the actions I took. 

You also added multiple emails to private documents, almost as if you wanted a backdoor if you were ever removed.
my reply to this section has been put into a ticket ‘forum-1885’ due to it containing personal information.

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