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Groupie Suggestion

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Well-known member
Not sure if this has ever been suggested before but I feel like there is a flaw in the groupie app. If somebody doesn't set a username in the groupie you cannot kick them, or find out who they are in the groupie. 

This is my idea for a solution, if anyone has a better idea please feel free to suggest it.

Can you make it so when somebody is invited to a groupie their airdrop name is set by default as their username.

I'm not sure how much work would be needed for this to work or if it is even considered important but I personally feel it would make a difference.

yes please, these no-name people stay hidden in a group chat and shouldn't.

"This is intentional and is done to give people the chance to spy on the group chat without instantly being detected (from there being more members than expected)."
Would love this feature but it looks like it is intended and is going to stay that way!


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Would love this feature but it looks like it is intended and is going to stay that way!

I can see the RP of people spying on a groupie but they shouldn't be able to do it without being kicked. surely they could just set their username as something else to confuse the owner of the groupie. I think it is kind of power gaming to not have a username for the sole purpose of not getting kicked from it.

I can see the RP of people spying on a groupie but they shouldn't be able to do it without being kicked. surely they could just set their username as something else to confuse the owner of the groupie. I think it is kind of power gaming to not have a username for the sole purpose of not getting kicked from it.
You could always make a password, invite the people u need, and change the password once joined. and get all the members you invite to change their name. They cannot revert it to invisible once set. Or you could just airdrop invite people without the need to give them a password afaik.

better option would be to make a pool of random names(like 100 or something) and just randomise it when people join, removes the whole thing of you knowing the Airdrop name

also would be neat for group chats where no one "knows" each other or whatever

+1 tho

You could always make a password, invite the people u need, and change the password once joined. and get all the members you invite to change their name. They cannot revert it to invisible once set. Or you could just airdrop invite people without the need to give them a password afaik.
Thats all fair and fine but it doesn't defeat the purpose of people initially being invisible on the groupie to begin with. I like Nikolai's idea so it still gives people the opportunity to do interesting RP. 

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I feel like there is a flaw in the groupie app. If somebody doesn't set a username in the groupie you cannot kick them, or find out who they are in the groupie.
As I've said before this is intentional to make it so CID/people can read messages undetected, I also changed it the other month so once you set a name you can't remove it unless you rejoin the chat so if someone wants to be hidden in a group chat they have to have no name when initially joining it.

As this is an intended feature - This suggestion will be rejected.
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