General Khandamir saluting Corporal Jaegern one last time. It has been my honour serving with you <3.
My thoughts go out to your family, your wife and your baby son. I hope they can find some comfort in the fact that you are so fondly remembered by so many people from around the world.
Rest well, rest in peace. Know that you will never be forgotten <3.
My man, You probs wont read this anymore. They say Grown people dont cry, But man did i cry hearing you left us!
But know we had so many fun moments, Playing till late in the night.
we havent spoke for years all went back to actual life. but man wish we could play one more time.
You will be missed Big F in chat. RIP Ssgt Jefke V Saluting LT Jaegarn !
Anyone else having huge sway while benching these days? With binos out, no problem, as soon as gun is pulled out it sways like ive been running for 10 min..