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Add the Vehicle Music Player to Ford E-150

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Well-known member
Brief Suggestion/Context:

I would like to see the jukebox capabilities of cars like the club and some lowriders to be extended to the Ford E-150 van.

Detailed Suggestion:

The van itself is quite an expensive car, and there is an option to have to giant speakers in the back for one of the customisation options. I would love to see the ability to play music added to this van, as it also has prominent speakers like other cars that can currently play music.


The Pros: 

Allows Ford owners to make use of the thumping great speakers in the back of the van.

Adds more roleplay opportunities for street parties, raves, psychological torture (forced listening to baby shark etc) and generally improves the Quality of Life for owners of the van.


- bit of dev work

- Club owners may be upset

Does this suggestion change balance on the server?


-1 I don’t think this should be implemented personally, simply because there is so many vehicles that you can speakers into the back, the boot, the doors etc… and there will be endless suggestions of people wanting it added to more and more vehicles. Clubs are readily available to players & gives the car a nice little feature that makes it unique from other vehicles. 

If this starts getting added to other vehicles then it becomes less of a cool feature/gimmick and more commonly seen.

None of my characters own a club, but I will for sure buy one at some point simply because of this feature. If added to other cars it kind of becomes less of a cool feature if that makes sense? Gives the car something unique about it. 

@JackJohnsonDo you not think that it would be in the best interests of the server and playerbase to make those massive speakers that are in so many cars usable?

I don't see the positive to gatekeeping this cool feature that realistically all of these cars would already be able to do. It strikes me as a very "videogamey" aspect that only one specific car can do something that in the same roleplay universe every other car with the same features should be able to use too, and is just a ding to immersion in the wrong way. 

keen to hear your opinion

@JackJohnsonDo you not think that it would be in the best interests of the server and playerbase to make those massive speakers that are in so many cars usable?

I don't see the positive to gatekeeping this cool feature that realistically all of these cars would already be able to do. It strikes me as a very "videogamey" aspect that only one specific car can do something that in the same roleplay universe every other car with the same features should be able to use too, and is just a ding to immersion in the wrong way. 

keen to hear your opinion
My opinion is based on the fact that I like little features like that personally, that make things unique. I think if it was added to every vehicle with speakers fitted in the back or boot etc... it would become worn out.

Just my opinion, but I think it should remain festival bus and Club only. Yes I get that it looks weird with the speakers if they don't work and is a ding to immersion, but that isn't everything. The Club is a fun car and with the massive speakers on top, really suits playing music from it. 

I do have to say -1 as Jack said above the concept will just become worn out if this is added to this vehicle more people will want it added to their vehicles too and it wont become as fun of an item to have. People who wish to have speakers in a vehicle should buy the Club 😉 

@FatherAugustusused to always rally his white club around listening to great music! Often found outside Auto Exotic hosting dance classes 🙂 

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