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ALUK Weekly* Code Challange!


Got through most of it pretty easily, just got stumped at the final hurdle. Managed to do it with a little guidance, but the clues were confusing me more than helping ;p

Is this supposed to be easy? Im sitting here like whaaaat is this shit?! How can you get a line of code from a picture? Or is it one of those things where you have to change the gamma to find a secret message?

Is this supposed to be easy? Im sitting here like whaaaat is this shit?! How can you get a line of code from a picture? Or is it one of those things where you have to change the gamma to find a secret message?
Basically, every image has something called 'metadata' it is information about the picture that stores what kind of file it is, the size, author and other information that is used to identify it that the user does not see, what the step involved was looking up a metadata search site such as http://regex.info/exif.cgi and then pasting the image link of the picture that tadsworth had at the start which then leads you to this screen: 


The link then leads you to an image which is kinda of like a puzzle involving bitmap images where the soloution is a QR code which then throws you further down the rabbit hole, enjoy!
