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Attacks in Manchester, UK - Two Minutes Silence


In the shadows
Dev Team
I said in my last post that I'm having to write these posts all too often now, these latest attacks in Manchester only quantify that statement.

It's unfortunate that this world we live in is affected and filled with so much by mindless violence and hatred, which in this case was specifically targeted at innocent younger children with a whole life ahead of them.

As I've always said, we must not let attacks like these divide us, we should take pride in our values as a society and should unify to stand up to protect them, these attacks are not just against those who are physically injured, but are attacks against the basic values and principles which we all live by. We will not let the tiny minority divide us.

Details of the event
Two minutes silence will be held at Kavala Police Station on this Friday 26th of May, for all those who wish to attend to commemorate those twenty-two people who have died and the other fifty-nine who have been injured during this horrible attack; and also those involved injured and killed in the attacks on the 22nd of March last year, to those on the 13th of November, July 15th in Nice and in London 22nd of March, this year.

This event will take place after the 8 PM Restart on Server #1.

Rules of attendance
- You must not be in possession of a firearm (both legal or illegal) when you arrive at the event.
- You may not enter the station in a vehicle (all of the entrances will be blocked), you must enter on foot.
- The police will not be making any arrests on those attending until five minutes after the event has finished.

Thanks for reading,
#PrayForManchester 🙏

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Will see if we can get as many NHS there as possible. 


This will be treated as an official server event by the Staff Team. Interference with it, or disrespecting the mark of respect that people are giving, will not be tolerated on any level.

Bank ops will be met with the full force of the USS Freedom's Cannons ;)

'- You must not be in possession of a firearm (both legal or illegal) when you arrive at the event.'

So this means not having it out and in your bag or not having it on you @ all?

'- You must not be in possession of a firearm (both legal or illegal) when you arrive at the event.'

So this means not having it out and in your bag or not having it on you @ all?
Due to previous events, we won't be allowing them at all, even in bags.

Sorry about that.

Horrible scenes in Manchester. 

I will be their to mourn the innocent people who sadly passed in this incident representing the NHS. 

Does this mean UNMC are allowed to attend?
They were allowed last time, so I don't see why not? I mean we're all players on the server.

I keep missing these things in game, sadly once again, I won't be able to make it. I'll be there in spirit as one of Manchester's own. 

The many gatherings in the Town centre today just prove that these war-mongering cowards can't break our City, or our Country. 

My thoughts are with all those who have been affected in last nights attack. 

Its posts like these that remind me what a fantastic community is all about, thank you to the staff team, and thank you Tadworth. Having personally known several people who were involved in this attack its heart warming to know that as a community we pull together in times like this. 

I am unfortunately away on vacation during this event. But my thoughts are with you all, peace!! 

Is the server gone have more slots for all the players who wants to be there. Server 1 is usually full of players and with this event it will be full very fast I would like to be there to pay my respect.
I don't want that any player who would like to pay there respect to not be enable to be there because the server is full.

Will their be a speech? 
God Bless all the fallen angels and soldiers in the horrible world it has become... :(
