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Burner Phones


Active member
Gaza Strip, Arcade
Brief Summary: Summary of what should be added to RPUK, Burner phones to have the ability to call people on another number, use to sell illegal items such as drugs or guns or even buy them, means you could have some sort of roleplay aspect to CID investigating peoples burner phones with gang activity or drug/gun selling/buying would be a great addition to RP.

Detailed Suggestion: 

Burner Phones - Burner phones or trap phones would be a great addition to roleplay due to the fact that peoples main phones can just been used for purchasing or selling drugs, firearms or any illegal items, this isn't great because the police (to my knowledge) can't view peoples phone logs and check what has been said. Burner phones would add more of a grime feel to the a UK server and give people the roleplay if their RPing as a British criminal selling drugs using a trap phone.

This has already been suggested before 

one counter i would like is if police get a phone it has a unique ID so we can pull records from the phone if we get a hold of it like msgs. requires to get phone and still wont tell us who owned phone

one counter i would like is if police get a phone it has a unique ID so we can pull records from the phone if we get a hold of it like msgs. requires to get phone and still wont tell us who owned phone
It would make phones much more realistic but I imagine this would be crazy hard to achieve, needing to add in some kinda database to store all that different info per user, I'm also unsure how much is kept on either side, I think info like groups chats and contacts are saved server side, everything else, call logs, messages, gallery, notes, tweedle login info I'm certain all this is kept local, I'm sure to keep all that info on a per phone basis would require the server to store all that information in some database somewhere, wich sounds like incurring more running costs

But if it was easy achieved I'd +1 for the realism

Also because it would give @1A3some more phone work to do 😉

I think info like groups chats and contacts are saved server side, everything else, call logs, messages, gallery, notes, tweedle login info I'm certain all this is kept local
Majority of things are stored server side except for stuff only you see e.g. notes, gallery, tweedle account switcher, settings etc. Messages and call logs have to be stored server side to ensure the other person can see the stuff if they are offline at the time
