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Callaghan F6 door perms broken

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
A shitehole
Steam ID: 76561198852918677

Character ID: 67437

When did this happen: 06/04/23

Summary: Callaghan F6 door perms broken

Full Description:
I logged on and every single door within luchettis that is tied to the F6 was unlocked, I assumed someone had gone in and lockpicked them all but we had no alerts from gruppe6 or anything and when I attempt to close these doors it doesn't lock them and has a pop up saying "Seems like you can not do anything with this" - I tried to reset my interactions which failed to work and after relogging and still having the issue I opened a ticket, I got another person from the F6 to try lock the doors but he received the same pop up and we are both different ranks.

Images / Video's

someone had gone in and lockpicked them and when I attempt to close them it doesn't lock them and has a pop up saying "Seems like you can not do anything with this"
This isn't a bug, you'd be missing the item you need to repair doors.

Last edited by a moderator:
Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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