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Carl Robberts

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You may accuse me all you like but its just not true but here have a little screen shot of the jolly chap vertigo
You could just have listened to me in-game, and we could have sorted this out.

But you just sent me to jail, while I was explaining to you.

So now I wanted to clear it out here.

And I'm not accusing you for anything, I'm writing what happened, to get some kind of response, since this doesn't seems fair to me.

And maybe I' wrong, but then I can learn something from this, because I don't learn anything if you are taken of the police force without a response to me.

Then this might happen again some day, and I do not want that.

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You would always see it as unfair but you was told what you did wrong and all i heard you say was " he went into my bag"

Well, then I can understand some of your decision, if you didn't hear that I got error messages and he kept trolling me.

But why didn't you give me a fine first ?

Any other cops that ever have restrained me has done that ?

I try to let him explain, and maybe I can learn something from this.
Well it seems like he is trying to explain him self, in my opinion it doesn't seem like he needs to explain him self he did what any cop would have done to some that had a gun out in a city and was wanted for 2 murders.

Treated unfairly are you completely broken? You murdered someone! there is no way that it was going to be a "dont worry buddy im sure next time you wont murder 2 people :)" No of course not you wouldnt want a murder loose because a cop likes you or your trusted with cops hell no think about this RP as if it was real life, you was caught after murdering 2 people with your gun still out. after checking files to make sure your the man who did it i then took the time to explain to you in the drive back what you had did and how it was unacceptable with no reply other than he was in my backpack. 
If you try and read the rules in game, it's stated that trolling isn't allowed, loke running in circles around people, and when no one is there to prevent the new spawn from doing that + he's trying to get in his backpack, then it's better to deal with it self. - i know it's a RP server, but let's not forget it's still a game, and you have to get satisfaction from a game, but when there is rule that says you cant troll people, and no one is doing anything about it, and when he already have a weapon and a gun in your backpack aswell, that this new spawn is trying to take, and we all know that if he gets the gun, he's gonna shoot demuth wich takes the fun part out from the game on his side

Then they arent doing it right it is a jail able offense to murder  

Sooooo your telling he doesn't have the option to knock them out, buy a car and go simple no need to murder twice

OR if you really couldnt be arsed with the shit in kavala JUST abort the game and respawn NO PROBLEM.........................

Well it seems like he is trying to explain him self, in my opinion it doesn't seem like he needs to explain him self he did what any cop would have done to some that had a gun out in a city and was wanted for 2 murders.
I can agree with you, but I explained I spawned in Kavala by mistake.

I would never spawn in Kavala fully armed, I normally spawn in Athira or Sofia.

Because theres much less trollers, and since I'm rebel there is almost never a cop in those cities, after a server restart.

Then they arent doing it right it is a jail able offense to murder
Asdrubael said:
2. Murder / Manslaughter

c) Murder: Jail

d) Murder of a police officer: Jail

e) Manslaughter: 15000 USD
I just saw that, and I confused manslaughter and murder together, so by that you did your duty correctly. :)

There I learned something. (Which was my point by making this topic)

But he still was a troller, and I knocked him out and told him to stop and I ran away from him.

But he kept running after me.

Sooooo your telling he doesn't have the option to knock them out, buy a car and go simple no need to murder twice
That was my plan at first, but he kept catching up with me.

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I just saw that, and I confused manslaughter and murder together, so by that you did your duty correctly. :)

There I learned something. (What was my point to make this topic)
So what was the point of this post? You should have known this from the start.

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(What was my point to make this topic)

Please tell me
My point by this topic was to see if I was wrong or it was you who acted wrong.

Like I wrote in the bottom of my first post "I might be wrong"

So what was the point of this post? You should have known this from the start.
Well, excuse me for confusing some of the rules, then he could have told me, instead of just sending me to jail while I was still trying to explain.

A simple explanation like:  "The rules of murder is jail, and I'm sorry if it was a troller, but I can't know that for sure, so I have to put you into jail." or something like that.

Then I would have understanded his decision and not even started this post or reported him.

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Sooooo your telling he doesn't have the option to knock them out, buy a car and go simple no need to murder twice
so you didn't read or listen to him? he knocked the guy out and told him to go away, and when he finally reched the atm to get his cash for a quad, you took him to jail

Well, excuse me for confusing some of the rules, then he could have told me, instead of just sending me to jail while I was still trying to explain.

A simple explanation like:  "The rules of murder is jail, and I'm sorry if it was a troller, but I can't know that for sure, so I have to put you into jail." or something like that.

Then I would have understanded his decision and not even started this post or reported him. 

you was informed several times when trying to argue
XD he never ever said that 
I told you that.

But I didn't need a quad though, I just needed a toolkit in case of desync (theres a long way from kavala to sofia, you know), and then get to the garage.

Well, excuse me for confusing some of the rules, then he could have told me, instead of just sending me to jail while I was still trying to explain.

A simple explanation like:  "The rules of murder is jail, and I'm sorry if it was a troller, but I can't know that for sure, so I have to put you into jail." or something like that.

Then I would have understanded his decision and not even started this post or reported him. 

you was informed several times when trying to argue
No, I was not informed about that.

I was only informed that I was wanted for two murders.

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