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Casino - Losing your chips

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Steam ID: 76561198363744046

Character ID: 64819

When did this happen: 08/08/23

Summary: Casino - Losing your chips

Full Description:
I was playing black jack and i pressed the backspace button which tells the dealer to HOLD your hand but once i pressed said key my player got up and just left the table in the middle of the game causing me to lose chips i already put through a compensation and there video evidence there but ill add here too if you guys could take a look at this as it a big issues if people are losing money like this also another thing i notice is that the table glitches and says u have like 57 in your hand in blackjack but u have a different number Infront of you if you guys could check on that to cause it hard to play if u cant see ur hand and its display a really absurd number.

Images / Video's

I was playing black jack and i pressed the backspace button which tells the dealer to HOLD your hand but once i pressed said key my player got up and just left the table
I'm confused what the bug is? Backspace is stand whilst you have the option to bet or exit if not? So you probably just pressed it whilst not having the option to bet (whether that be due to someone else choosing or the dealer doing her thing).

Edit: I just saw your compensation request and you stated you did exactly as I said above (pressing the button whilst the options aren't shown on the screen) which causes you to exit which is not a bug and is just user error.

Last edited by a moderator:
Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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