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Change phone icons


Well-known member
This isn't anything crazy or game changing but recently I've changed my lock screen in game but the app icons cloud over it too much... so my suggestion in a nutshell would be to somehow customise app icons, where they get placed, removed, grouped up etc etc. If that makes any sense???

i said this to @1A3on a stream. He mentioned he tried. however you could kove them but never open them as if you clicked it just tried to move them rather than opening

This isn't anything crazy or game changing but recently I've changed my lock screen in game but the app icons cloud over it too much... so my suggestion in a nutshell would be to somehow customise app icons, where they get placed, removed, grouped up etc etc. If that makes any sense???
+1 would be a good idea . And would be useful to organise your apps in folders like in real life .

I've changed my lock screen in game but the app icons cloud over it too much
It's a homescreen not a lockscreen so ofc it's gonna have app icons all over it 🤔

It's a homescreen not a lockscreen so ofc it's gonna have app icons all over it 🤔
I understand that and obviously makes sense but a way to maybe group the icons together? Into folders, a bit like a iPhone. I’m not sure tbh mate, just a shame I can’t see the full photo that’s all 🙂 
